List of New Features in EES by Version Number and Date

EES is continuously being improved with the addition of new features and bug fixes. The major new features are highlighted along with the version number and date in which the feature was implemented. Access the on-line help (Press F1) for details on these and other features.

Version 9.225 09/16/12
A new optimization algorithm, called the DIRECT algorithm, has been implemented in the Professional version. The Professional version of EES now provides a choice of 5 optimization methods for problems having two or more degrees of freedom. Of the algorithms, only the Genetic and the DIRECT algorithms are designed to locate a global optimum when local optima exist in the search region. Experience with the DIRECT algorithm shows that it is capable of finding a global optimum with many fewer function evaluations than the Genetic method. However, it is not as efficient as the Direct Search, Variable Metric, or Nelder-Mead methods when local optima do not exist.

Version 9.221 09/08/12
The IF statement in a macro file can use one or more AND and OR logical operators. The AND/OR operators must be surrounded by spaces. The order in which the logical tests are processed can be controlled by using parentheses. The entire IF statement must be placed on one lines. As an example, the following IF statement is valid in a macro.
IF ((x>=y) OR (y=2)) AND (Z=3) then SOLVE

The /L option in the $EXPORT directive and EXPORT macro command stops the carriage return - line feed from being written to a file after the last variable is written. A comma, semicolon, tab, or space will be written in its place, depending on the selected filename extension. Combined with the /A option, the /L option allows values from multiple $Export directives to be written on a single line.

Version 9.211 08/10/12
Thermodynamic and transport property data for dimethyl carbonate have been implemented.

Version 9.202 08/10/12
Thermodynamic and transport property data for m-xylene have been implemented.

Version 9.199 08/05/12
Ultimate and yield stress are provided for many types of steel at near room temperature in the Solid-Liquid property library.

Version 9.196 07/29/12
The LOOKUPTABLENAME$(TabNo) and TABLETABNUMBER$(TabNo) functions return the name of the Lookup table and Parametric table, respectively, having the specified tab number. The tabs start with 1. If a table with the specified tab number does not exist, these functions return an empty string.

Version 9.191 07/23/12
Thermodynamic and transport property data for p-xylene have been implemented.

Version 9.189 07/21/12
Thermodynamic and transport property data for ethylbenzene have been implemented.

Version 9.187 07/18/12
The Min/Max Table dialog has been equipped with a control to allow the table to be solved in the reverse direction.

Version 9.186 07/17/12
Thermodynamic and transport property data for o-xylene have been implemented.

Version 9.180 07/12/12
The String$ function accepts an optional second argument, which provides the format specification for the value that is converted to a string. For example, X$=String$(9.1234,'F1') will set X$ to '9.1'.

Version 9.174 07/05/12
The $Keyboard US/EU directive allows you to change the system keyboard setting while using EES. For example, suppose you system is set to use the comma as the decimal separator. Entering $Keyboard US will change the setting in EES to use US setting, which assume a decimal point is the decimal separator and a comma is a list separator. The example programs in Mastering EES can then be entered exactly as they appear in the book, without having to change your system settings.

Version 9.172 07/04/12
Approximate values for viscosity and thermal conductivity for R143m have been implemented using a corresponding states approach.

Version 9.171 07/03/12
Approximate values for viscosity and thermal conductivity for R1234ze (R-1234ze(E)) have been implemented using a corresponding states approach.

Version 9.167 06/26/12
Thermodynamic property data for R1234ze (R-1234ze(E)) have been improved by implementation of the equation of state provided by Akasaka, Int. J. Thermophysics, 32, 1125-1147, 2011.

Version 9.166 06/25/12
Thermodynamic property data for R143m (HFE-143m) have been implemented based on the equation of state provided by Akasaka, Int. J. of Refrigeration, 35(4), 1003-1013, 2012.

Version 9.165 06/24/12
Comments within a macro window are shown in blue font.

Version 9.162 06/22/12
Macro commnands HideWindow EES and ShowWindow EES respectively hide and show the main EES form and all of the windows contained within it.

Version 9.162 06/16/12
The Professional version of EES allows variable information (guess values, limits, units, display options) to be saved and later retrieved in a .var file. Reading the .var file now restores the variable information for all active variables in functions, procedures, subprograms, and modules as well as for the main program.

Version 9.160 06/14/12
The status bar at the bottom of the Residuals window shows the values of the variables (an optionally, their units) for the equation that the cursor is positioned above. The height of the status bar will automatically grow to accomodate the display for long equations. This capability can be enabled or disabled by clicking the right-mouse button in the status bar. A pop-up menu will appear in which you can de-select Autosize. The option for displaying units of variables is also controlled from the Show/Hide units command in this pop-up menu.

Version 9.145 05/26/12
The Function Information dialog has been modified to provide access to the Heat Transfer, Mechanical Design, and User-Defined application libraries. Instructions for creating a User-defined application library are provided in the online help.

Version 9.144 05/22/12
Clicking on an equation that has been flagged for unit consistency brings up a pop-up menu. The first item on this menu is the option to display the equation in the Formatted Equations window with the units of all variables and constants showing.

Version 9.139 05/13/12
By default, all visible windows are selected by printing when the Print command is initiated. The Unselect All button in the Print dialog unselects all of the windows, so that you can just select the ones you wish to print.

Version 9.136 05/09/12
The Equations window can be printed exactly as it appears on the screen, including colored highlighted text. The Printer tab of the Preferences dialog allows other printing options for the Equations window, such as double-spacing. The default printing option can be changed by saving the EES.PRF file in the Preferences dialog.

Version 9.134 05/06/12
Selected text in the Equations window can be highlighted in any selected backcolor in the Professional version using the Hilite Text menu bar button or by selecting Hilite from the pop-up menu that appears in Equations window when the right mouse button is clicked.

Version 9.125 04/27/12
Integral tables can be created with the $IntegralTable directive in Subprograms as well as in the Main program.

Version 9.120 04/18/12
The thermodynamic properties of refrigerant R1234yf have been improved by implementing the equation of state published in J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2011, 56, 3254-3264.

Version 9.118 04/16/12
A Purge Unused Variables command has been added to the Options menu. This command recovers memory resulting from unused variables and Subprograms.

Version 9.117 04/11/12
The Math and String Functions button in the Function Information dialog provides a Function Classification list that makes it easier to find the function you are looking for.

Version 9.115 04/08/12
The Curve-Fit dialog provides inputs for the first and last points so that it is possible to fit a subset of the plotted data.

Version 9.114 04/07/12
The FileExists(T$) function returns 1 if file T$ is found or 0 otherwise. This function is most useful in IF-THEN-ELSE statements and in macros.

Version 9.110 04/02/12
Thermodynamic and transport property data have been implemented for nitrous oxide.

Version 9.103 03/24/12
Nested Repeat Until constructs can be used in a Macro file. The Stop macro command immediately stops execution of a macro file.

Version 9.099 03/19/12
By default, the log file that EES writes while executing a macro command set is EESMacro.log. The LogFileName macro command allows the name of the macro log file to be specified. If no file name is provided after the LogFileName command, a log file is not written.

Version 9.097 03/17/12
The Log Macro command recognizes keywords ON and OFF. Log OFF ceases writing information to the Log file. Log ON restore the logging capability.

Version 9.095 03/16/12
Function TimeStamp$ returns a string with the date and time a specified file was modified. Function TimeStamp returns and integer value that codifies the date and time the specified file was modified. The functions can be useful for waiting until a file has been changed before opening it.

Version 9.093 03/15/12
Graphic items pasted from the clipboard or the Palette can be flipped horizontally or vertically. This is accomplished by right-clicking on the object and the selecting Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical from the popup menu.

Version 9.092 03/11/12
A Palette button has been added to the Diagram Window toolbar in the Professional version. The palette provides easy access to graphic items in .emf, .bmp, .wmf or .jpg format. Clicking on the graphic item automatically pastes the item into the Diagram window, where it can be moved or resized. Many graphic items are provided with EES. However, additional graphic items can be added by the user simply by copying the files with the graphic items to the Userlib\Palette folder in the EES directory.

Version 9.077 02/25/12
An Insert Plot button has been implemented in the Report Window (Professional version). The inserted plot is automatically updated in the Report window as the plot is changed.

Version 9.067 02/11/12
The MinimizeTable and MaximizeTable macro commmands have been implemented in the Professional version. These macro commands accept an optional /Method keyword to specify the optimization method. The /Method keyword has also been added to the Minimize and Maximize macro commands.

Version 9.058 02/03/12
Macro commands that allow EES to interact with MATLAB have been implemented in the Professional version. These macro commands are:
MATLAB.EXECUTE('MATLAB Command')  //Enter command just as if it were entered in the Command Window.

Version 9.054 01/29/12
The LookupColInof macro command allows the names and units of columns in a Lookup table to be changed within a macro.

Version 9.048 01/23/12
The LOG 'message' macro command will write the message to the log file at the sequential position it is executed. It can be very useful for debugging a macro command file.

Version 9.042 01/17/12
Macro commands that allow EES to interact with EXCEL have been implemented in the Professional version. These macro commands are:
EXCEL.CELL(A1,'cell text')

An example demonstrating these macro commands appears in the online help.

Version 9.035 01/10/12
Controls on the 3-D plot control panel have been added to allow axis values and axis names to be optionally displayed. These text labels move with the plot. A button has been added to provide an isometric view that best shows that axis values and names.

Version 9.020 12/07/11
The Professional (3D) version of EES provides the capability to create 3-D point plots, in addition to the 3-D surface plots. 3-D points plots can be overlayed on a 3-D surface plot.

Version 9.009 11/21/11
The Professional version of EES provides the capability to create distributable programs. An option is provided to zip all of the files needed to run the distributable program into one file. This zip file now includes all help files and .VAR files (created with the Save button on the Diagram window) that are found in the directory that the distributable .EXE is in.

Version 9.004 11/17/11
The FreezingPt function (applicable to brines) will accept but does not require temperature as an input. Concentration (in %) is required.

Version 9.002 11/14/11
The Professional version of EES provides the capability of animating the Diagram window. The individual frames for the animation can be saved to .JPG and .BMP files, in addition to the .EMF files that were originally provided.

Version 8.996 11/04/11
Additional attributes (linetype, filltype, transparent) have been added to the graphic items in the Diagram window. In addition, left and top attributes have been added for Polylines and Polygons. These attributes can be controlled by EES variables and are useful for animation in the Professional version.

The Uncertainty Table command will allow variables that are determined from data in a Lookup table to be in the list of measured variables. However, it is necessary to use TableRun# (rather than an EES variable) to specify the row of the table, as indicated in the equation below:

Version 8.976 10/18/11
Slider input controls can be placed on the Diagram window and child Diagram windows in the Professional version.

Version 8.971 10/01/11
The Variable Information dialog allows arrays to be collapsed and strings to be shown or hidden for internal Functions and Procedures as well as for Subprograms, Modules and the Main program.

Version 8.969 09/28/11
A SavePlot macro command has been implemented in the Professional version. The format is:
SavePlot 'my Plot' 'PlotFileName.jpg'
If a plot having a tab name of 'myPlot' exists, it will be saved with filename 'PlotFileName.jpg'. Both the plot tab name and the file name may be supplied as string constants (surrounded by single quotes) or as predefined string variables (that end with a $ character). The filename extension may be .jpg, .bmp, .tif or .emf. EES will save the plot in the designated format.

Version 8.953 09/15/11
The Save Table command in the Tables menu allows data to be saved using the Engineering and Time formats as well as the Auto, Fixed, Float Decimal and String formats. Also data can be saved in EES Lookup File (.TXT) format in a manner that maintains the column names, units, and format specifications. This option allows Lookup tables to be edited and exchanged between different EES programs.

Version 8.940 08/27/11
Array names (that end with an array index within brackets) can be used as the names for text and graphic objects in the Diagram window in the Professional version. The characteristics of these objects (e.g, location, size, color, visibility, etc.) can be dynamically specified with equations in the Equations or Diagram window. The use of array names simplifies this process when there are many items. The text for a text item can be specified as a string variable that can be specified dynamically.

Version 8.935 08/22/11
The Solution window maintains the size of the individual tabbed solution windows.

Version 8.932 08/18/11
The $CopyToLookup directive provides a simple way to move calculated variables and arrays to a column in a Lookup table. This directive is only available in the Professional version.

Version 8.925 08/14/11
The CompressibilityFactor function returns the ratio of the specific volume of a fluid to the specific volume of an ideal gas at the same conditions.

Version 8.918 08/08/11
Critical enhancement for thermal conductivity of nitrogen, oxygen, argon and air (with fluid air_ha) has been implemented. The method for calculating specific heat capacities has been improved and it should yield more accurate results, particularly in the vicinity of the critical point.

Version 8.909 07/26/11
Right-clicking on the Formatted Equations window invokes a pop-up menu. The menu provide a new option to display or not display comments.

Version 8.905 07/21/11
Thermodynamic property data for Siloxane_3 (MDM, octamethyltrisiloxane) have been implemented.

Version 8.902 07/19/11
Duplicate - end loops within Functions and Procedures are internally converted into Repeat-Until blocks. This change allows the limits for the Duplicate index to be provided as parameters and it increases the calculation efficiency.

Version 8.900 07/15/11
The Professional version has the capability to generated polar plots.

Version 8.897 07/09/11
The uncertainty of measured variables used in the Uncertainty Propagation Table command can be specified with EES variables that are defined either in the Parametric table or in the Equations window.

Version 8.895 07/07/11
The number of measured uncertainty variables that can be accomodated in the Professional version has been increased to 200.

Version 8.865 05/31/11
The Modify Axes dialog (Plots menu) provides an option to scale the axis values by a factor of 10. If the scaling factor is other than 1, it is displayed with the axis values on the plot axis.

Version 8.856 05/16/11
High accuracy thermodynamic data and transport data are provided for dimethylether.

Version 8.853 05/13/11
The properties of radio button groups and check boxes in the Plot and Diagram windows can be viewed or changed by selecting the item and then clicking the appropriate button on the diagram window toolbar. This action displays the dialog box that controls the properties. An alternative to displaying the dialog box is to click the right-mouse button on a border of the item.

Version 8.849 05/6/11
The properties of text and graphic items in the Plot and Diagram windows can be viewed or changed by selecting the item and then clicking the appropriate button on the plot or diagram window toolbar. An alternative is click the right-mouse button and then select Properties from the pop-up menu.

Version 8.844 05/2/11
EES has been modified to work with international character sets (e.g., Chinese). It should now be possible to save and open EES files that have file names using international characters.

Version 8.835 04/23/11
High accuracy thermodynamic data and transport data are provided for benzene.

Version 8.810 04/5/11
EES has be ported to the DELPHI 2010 environment. This change results in faster execution and improved compatibility with Windows 7.

Version 8.803 03/30/11
The Unit Conversion Info dialog has a Copy button. When one unit is selected, the Copy button is enabled and the unit will be copied to the clipboard when the button is pressed. This capability provides an easy way to enter units that normally require the keypad, e.g., µ (alt-230)

Version 8.785 03/04/11
Property data for brines (secondary refrigerants) have been built-into EES. These data were previously available with the BrineProp2 external procedure. The built-in data rely on newer correlations from the IIF/IIR (Melidner, 2010). The Function Information dialog has been redesigned to indicate more clearly which property functions apply to a selected substance.

Version 8.771 02/15/11
Array variables that appear in Functions, Procedures, Subprograms or Modules can be displayed in the Arrays Table window but placing a $ARRAYS ON directive within the program element. The Arrays window provides a tabbed window for each Function, Procedure, Subprogram or Module that has been specified to display arrays. The array values can be plotted and copied in the same manner as for data in any other table.

Version 8.768 01/31/11
The Professional version can simultaneously determine the uncertainty propagation of up to 50 selected variables in terms of the uncertainties of up to 100 measured variables.

Version 8.765 02/10/11
The toolbar on the Plot and Diagram windows in the Professional version provides buttons to construct polylines and polygons. The polylines can be smoothed to form cubic Bezier curves. The polygons can be partially transparent to provide colored shading, while allowing the underlying objects to be visible. Note that EES files that use polyline or polygons can not be read by versions previous to 8.765 since this capability necessitated a change in the structure in which an EES file is saved.

Version 8.754 01/31/11
F_prime, F_dprime and F_tprime will display as F', F'', and F''', respectively in the Solutions, Formatted Equations, and Diagram windows.

Version 8.747 01/25/11
The Uncertainty Propagation and Uncertainty Propagation Table commands allow the uncertainty propagation for up to 12 variables (Commercial version ) and up to 30 variables (Professional version) to be determined. The partial derivatives for all calculated variables are determined simultaneously, thereby allowing the calculations to be completed quickly.

Version 8.745 01/21/11
The ADDPLOTTEXT macro command has been added to the macro command set (Professional version) to allow text to be placed on plot windows from a macro.

Version 8.744 01/20/11
The EESFILENAME$ function returns the complete file name of the currently open EES file.
The IF Macro command allows comparison of string variables and string constants.

Version 8.739 01/12/11
Approximate property data for R13B1 are provided.

Version 8.732 12/19/10
Functions and Procedures can employ logic statements such as If-Then-Else and Repeat-Until. In some cases, use of these logic statements results in a repeated sequence of on/off decisions and convergence thereby becomes impossible. The $MaxCalls directive will eliminate such problems by placing an upper limit on the number of times the equations within the Function or Procedure are evaluated. If the number of calls to the Function or Procedure exceeds the specified limit, the Function / Procedure will return the same results as it did for the last valid call. This capability effectively prevents the logic statements from providing alternating values.

Version 8.725 12/13/10
Right clicking (or double-clicking) on a text item in a plot window will bring up the plot text dialog window in which the font size and other characteristics of the text can be specified. If more than one text item is selected, the plot text dialog window requires the incremental text size, rather than the absolute text size. In this way, all of the selected text items can be enlarged or shrunk, even if they are different sizes.

Version 8.724 12/10/10
The Find command is active in the Macro window.

Version 8.721 12/08/10
A Macro window button is provided in the menu tool bar, below the main menu in the Professional version, to provided more convenient access to the Macro window.

Version 8.718 12/03/10
The $Constant directive allows a global constant to be specified. One use for this directive is to set the dimension of arrays that are passed to Subprograms, Functions, and Procedures. The $Constant directive will accept simple expressions involving numerical values and previously set constants, e.g.:
$Constant N#=100
$Constant N1#=N#-1

Version 8.712 11/22/10
A popup menu will appear when you right click in the macro window (Professional version). The popup menu offers the usual editing commands and a command to comment or uncomment all selected lines.

Version 8.709 11/17/10
A play macro button becomes visible in menu tool bar (just below the menu bar) when a macro window is open. The macro can be played by clicking this button.

Version 8.708 11/16/10
Macro commands that work with plots (Professional version) can refer to the plot by specifying the name of the plot window tab in single quotes or with a pre-defined string variable. For example:

NewPlot Name='my Plot' Table=ARR X=x[i] Y=y[i] Rows=1..10 Line=1 Symbol=0 Color=0 {create a new plot with name 'my Plot'}
OverlayPlot Name='my Plot' Table=ARR X=x[i] Y=z[i] Rows=1..10 Line=1 Symbol=1 Color=Blue {overlay a plot in the plot window named 'my Plot'}
RenamePlot 'my Plot' 'your Plot' {rename the plot window}
DeletePlot 'your Plot' {delete the specified plot window}

Version 8.703 11/8/10
EES (Professional version) can be started and made to run an EES file or an EES macro file from the Run command line (or from another program such as MATLAB) by providing the name of the file and /Solve as command line parameters. For example, the command line C:\EES32\EES.EXE myEESFile.EES /solve will start EES in a hidden state, open myEESFile.EES, solve this file and then quit. For this capability to be useful, the EES file should write output to a file using the $EXPORT or $SAVETABLE directives.

Version 8.697 10/30/10
Approximate thermodynamic property data for fluid HFE7500 are provided.

Version 8.689 10/14/10
The CHI_SQUARE function returns the cumulative probability function for a chi-squared distribution.

Version 8.683 10/03/10
The relative or absolute uncertainty for a measured variable in the Uncertainty Propagation calculation can be assigned to any variable in the equation set.

Version 8.679 10/01/10
The line number, color number, symbol number and symbol size in the Macro NewPlot and OverlayPlot commands (Professional version) can be entered as integers or as the values of EES variables that are defined in the macro or EES program.

Version 8.674 09/26/10
The Uncertainty Propagation dialog window can be resized to allow easier selection of calculated and measured variables for problems with many variables.

Version 8.664 09/08/10
High accuracy real fluid property data for sulfur dioxide have been implemented.

Version 8.662 09/04/10
The EES help file has been rewritten to be compatible with Windows 7 and Vista. An operating system patch is no longer necessary.

Version 8.659 09/01/10
The number of minor ticks is automatically selected in new X-Y plots

Version 8.657 08/30/10
The Integral text item option in the plot window can optionally display the units of the integral.

Version 8.640 08/5/10
The Professional version allows the guess value and limits of variables in the main body of EES and in Subprograms to be specified with equations that can involve existing variables and numerical constants. For example, the guess value for variable X can be set to (X_min+X_max)/2 provided that variables X_min and X_max have been defined.

Version 8.629 07/20/10
The number of rows in a Parametric or Lookup table can be increased by setting the Last Row field to the desired number of rows in the dialog that appears when you click on the triangular icon at the upper right of the header cell.

Version 8.619 07/14/10
Values in a column of the Parametric or Lookup tables can be automatically filled by clicking on the triangular icon at the upper right of the header cell or by using the Alter Values menu item in the Table menu. An option to fill the column with equally-spaced values on either a linear or logarithmic scale has been implemented.

Version 8.615 07/12/10
An EES program can have many plot windows. If you hold the Ctrl key down when resize the plot window (not the plot), all of the plot windows will be resized in the same manner and the toolbar window will be positioned in the same location in each plot window.

Version 8.614 07/11/10
Property data for R1234ze have been added.

Version 8.609 07/06/10
The upper pressure limit for the viscosity of carbon dioxide has been increased to 300 MPa using the correlation provided by Fenghour, A., Wakeham, W.A., and Vesovic, V., "The Viscosity of Carbon Dioxide", J. Phys. Chem Ref, Data, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1998.

Version 8.600 06/27/10
The Insert/Modify Array command in the Edit menu provides the option to enter arrays with Array Range Notation, e.g., X[1..3]=[11,22,33].

Version 8.595 06/20/10
The $Constant directive can be used to define global variables that are recognized in Functions, Procedures, Subprogram, as well as in the Main program. String constants can be defined with the $Constant directive. String constants must have a name that ends with the characters #$.

Version 8.588 06/09/10
Property data for R1234yf have been added.

Version 8.585 06/04/10
Procecure Q_LiBrH2O has been added to the suite of function providing properties of lithium bromide and water. This procedure returns the quality and temperature given the specific enthalpy, overall composition and pressure.

Version 8.580 05/25/10
The Reset a,b macro command resets the status of the indicated variable(s) (a, b). If a variable is set to a value in a macro, it cannot later be used in a Parametric table as an undetermined variable unless the Reset command is applied.

Version 8.578 05/22/10
If warnings occur, the number of warnings is shown to the right of the calculation time in the Solutions window. Clicking on the word 'warning' will display the warnings.

Version 8.554 04/22/10
Thermodynamic property data for mixtures of lithium chloride and water have been implemented using the information in the following publication:
Patek, J. and Klomfar, J., Int. J. of Refrigeration, Vol 29, pp. 566-578, (2006)
"A computationally effective formulation of the thermodynamic properties of LiCl-H2O from 273 to 400 K over full composition range"
Information on the use of this property library is available from the Function Info menu command in the Options menu. Click the EES library routines radio button and the scroll to LiClH2O.lib and press the Function Info button.

Version 8.551 04/17/10
A status bar is provided at the bottom of the Equations window showing the position of the cursor, and settings for word wrap, Caps lock, Insert mode, unit system, warnings, unit checking, and complex math mode. Clicking on any of the settings in the status bar toggles their settings. The status bar can be disabled by clicking in its leftmost panel area.

Version 8.544 04/03/10
Thermodynamic and transport property data are provided for acetone.

Version 8.532 03/14/10
Thermodynamic and transport property data are provided for fluid Siloxane_2 (Octamethylcyclotextrasiloxane).

Version 8.531 03/14/10
The maximum number of tabs that can be set with the $TabStops directive has been increased from 5 to 10.

Version 8.529 03/10/10
Thermodynamic and transport property data are provided for fluid Siloxane_1 (Hexamethyldisiloxane).

Version 8.528 03/04/10
Data for 1262 ideal gases have been incorporated into the EES property data base. These data were compiled by NASA as documented in:
    Bonnie J. McBride, Michael J. Zehe, and Sanford Gordon
    NASA Glenn Coefficients for CalculatingThermodynamic Properties of Individual Species
    NASA/TP-2002-211556, Sept. 2002
The NASA ideal gases can be used in EES property functions in exactly the same manner as for the built-in ideal gas fluid although transport properties (viscosity and thermal conductivity) are not provided with the NASA ideal gases. The NASA ideal gas data were originally provided in the NASA external procedure. This external procedure is still provided for backward compatibility and because it also provides data for hundreds of condensed substances that are not included in the NASA ideal gas data.

Version 8.526 02/28/10
The $OPENLOOKUP directive provides an optional /RENAME='filename' option so that the Lookup table name can differ from the file name on the disk.

Version 8.522 02/17/10
The ShowWindow Progress macro command will display the progress dialogs that are normally hidden when a calculation is initiated in a macro command list.

Version 8.520 02/17/10
Double-clicking on an entry in the Constants dialog will paste the entry into the Equations window at the cursor position.

Version 8.518 02/14/10
Warning that are from earlier iterations are shown in gray type in the Warnings dialog window.

Version 8.504 01/18/10
The range and accuracy of all of the built-in ideal gas property data has been extended.

Version 8.496 01/10/10
The Warnings dialog has been improved to hilite the equation in the Equations window that generated the warning when the cursor is placed over the warning message.

Version 8.468 11/02/09
A hilite tool button is available in the Professional version below the menu bar to allow highlighting text in the Equations window in a choice of seven colors.

Version 8.454 10/18/09
Property data for hydrogen have been improved. The data are now applicable up to 1000 K (formerly 500 K) and update to 2000 MPa (formeraly 40 MPa)

Version 8.446 10/5/09
Property data for parahydrogen have been implemented.

Version 8.425 08/25/09
The NewPlot macro command (Professional version) will accept variables for row numbers.

Version 8.421 08/21/09
The AlterValues macro command (Professional version) will accept variables for row numbers and values. For example, the following macro commands will fill rows 2 through 6 of the column for variable x in the parametric table named 'Table 1' with values between 50 and 500.
AlterValues 'Table 1' x Rows=R1..R2 First=x1 Last=xn

Version 8.411 07/23/09
New property correlations have been implemented for lithium bromide-water solutions in the LiBrH2O library. Help for using these functions is available by selecting Function Info from the Options menu, clicking EES library routines and then selecting LiBrH2O.lib and clicking the Function Info button. The older LiBr.DLL routines will no longer be distributed.

Version 8.410 07/23/09
The UnitSystem$ function returns a string variable with the units that have been set in the Unit System dialog. The function takes one argument which can be 'Temperature', 'Pressure', 'Energy', 'Entropy', 'Volume', or 'Trig'. If EES is set to operate in temperature units of Celcius, UnitSystem$('Temperature') returns 'C'.

Version 8.409 07/18/09
$Import directives can be used within Subprograms as well as within the main program.

Version 8.403 07/09/09
Text and objects on plot windows can be moved with the arrow keys. Pressing the arrow key once moves the text or object by 1 pixel. Holding the arrow key down will result in the object moving quickly. You can disable the quicker movements by also pressing the Ctrl key.

Version 8.395 06/14/09
The high accuracy equation of state by Span, et al (2000) for Nitrogen has been implemented, replacing the older equation of state.

Version 8.394 06/14/09
The SAVEINTEGRAL macro command saves the contents of the integral table to a specified file.

Version 8.392 06/14/09
The reference values for enthalpy and entropy of ideal gas substances was changed to match the values provided by:
Bonnie J. McBride, Michael J. Zehe, and Sanford Gordon
"NASA Glenn Coefficients for CalculatingThermodynamic Properties of Individual Species"
NASA/TP-2002-211556, Sept. 2002;

Version 8.387 06/11/09
Property data for ideal gas CH3OH (methanol) have been implemented.

Version 8.383 05/29/09
The macro command Copy Diagram will place the contents of the Diagram window on the clipboard. It can then be pasted to another application.

Version 8.379 05/16/09
The $OpenLookup directive can optionally specify a format file to provide directions for reading the lookup file data. If the format file provides the the keywords ReadHeaders and ReadUnits, the headers and units that appear in the Lookup table will be read from the file. See the Format description in the online help for details.

Version 8.374 05/7/09
The following new capabilities have been implemented in the Professional version:

The $OPENLOOKUP directive can be provided with a ? or a ?? in place of the file name which forces EES to display the standard file input dialog. If the ? or ?? is appended with the file name extension (e.g., .lkt, .csv, or .txt) the standard file input dialog will automatically filter files with this extension.

Files read into the Lookup tables using the $OPENLOOKUP directive can optionally specify a Format (.FMT) file to provide instructions on how to read the data file. A separator character (space, comma, tab, ;) can be specified with the Separator= keyword in the .FMT file.

Version 8.369 04/24/09
$EXPORT directives can be placed in Subprograms or in Functions. The designated variables in the Function or Subprogram will be exported to the specified file after calculations are completed.

Version 8.365 04/17/09
Radiation view factors FD3D_28, F3D_29, and F3D_30 have been implemented.

Version 8.355 03/30/09
Improved transport properties relations have been implemented for air_ha, nitrogen, oxygen, and argon.

Version 8.341 03/07/09
A tilde can be placed above a character by following the name with _tilde, e.g., V_tilde.

Version 8.327 02/10/09
A message with up to 1000 characters can be displayed in a distributable program if it is executed beyond its specified expiration date.

Version 8.319 01/22/09
The PHASE$ function returns a string with the phase (superheated, saturated, liquid, ideal gas) of the specified fluid at the stated condition. For example:
P$=PHASE$(Water, T=100 [C], P=50 [kPa])

Version 8.319 01/22/09
High accuracy property data for n-Decane have been added to the property database.

Version 8.315 01/22/09
High accuracy property data for R142b have been added to the property database.

Version 8.313 01/19/09
High accuracy property data for n-nonane have been added to the property database.

Version 8.311 01/16/09
High accuracy property data for R41 have been added to the property database.

Version 8.304 01/11/09
The Diagram window can be saved as a .jpg or .bmp file from the Save Diagram menu item in the Edit menu.

Version 8.299 01/04/09
High accuracy property data for R218 and R245fa have been added to the property database.

Version 8.298 12/21/08
Buttons, text and graphic items that appear in the Diagram window can each be given a name in the Professional version. The name allows specification of the attributes of the item, such as its position or color. Starting in version 8.298, items can be hidden or shown by entering Name.hide or in the Equations window or in any Diagram window item that accepts equations as input such as the Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, and Drop-Down text list items.

Version 8.285 12/07/08
The MessageDialog command provides a means for a macro command to display a message in a dialog with 1, 2, or 3 buttons. The message may include a hot link to a URL. The format of the command is:

R=MessageDialog([Yes, No, Maybe],'Visit http:\\ Do you agree that this is a useful website?')

Note that the placement of a variable = (shown as R= above) is optional. If a variable is provided, its value will be set to 1, 2, or 3 depending on which button is clicked.

Version 8.283 12/05/08
The Calculator window will accept % as shorthand for the last calculated result. For example:

Version 8.279 11/30/08
EES has finally outgrown the 16-bit .hlp file that provides its online help. The help file has been revised and released as a 32-bit help file. However, Vista users will need to download the WinHlp32.exe help program from Microsoft in order to use this help file.

Version 8.276 11/26/08
A number of enhancements have been added to the macro commands.
beep n, where n is an integer between 1 and 5 will play on of the five sounds defined on the sounds tab of the Preferences dialog.
F$=GetDirectory will get the current Windows directory and assign it to a string variable, F$ in this example.
SetDirectory(F$) will set the current Windows directory to the string constant or string variable provided in the parentheses.

Version 8.275 11/23/08
The OpenLookup macro command can request that a open file dialog be displayed to select the lookup file by providing a ? as the file name. In addition, the extension of the possible files can be indicated by following the ? with the extension. Possible extensions are .LKT, .CSV, .TXT. and .DAT. An example OpenLookup macro command is
OpenLookup ?.CSV TableName$ /FORMAT myFormat.fmt
This macro command will prompt the user to supply a file name with a .CSV file name extension. The file name will be stored in string variable TableName$. The file will be read with the format specification contained in file myFormat.fmt.

Version 8.272 11/21/08
The macro commands InsertLookupRows and InsertParametricRows allow rows to be added at a specified location in the specified Lookup and Parametric tables, respectively. The format is
InsertLookupRows 'Table Name' After NRows
InsertParametricRows 'Table Name' After NRows
where 'Table Name' is a string constant or variable indicating the name of the Lookup or Parametric table, After refers to the row below which the rows are added and NRows is the number of rows. Both After and NRows can be numerical constants or pre-defined EES variables. Set After to 0 to place the new rows at the top.

Version 8.271 11/20/08
In the Professional version, the $OpenLookup directive and OpenLookup macro commands can use a Format file to control the manner in which data are read from a file into a Lookup table. New specifications are provided in the Format file: In addition to Skip, FixLFCR and AllowStrings are accepted. Skip n (where n is an integer) instructs EES to skip the specified number of rows when reading the file. This feature is useful to read around a header that may be included in the file. FixLFCR is needed only when the text file to be opened was written on something other than the Window operating system. Text files written in Windows terminate each line with carriage return (Ascii 13) and line feed (Ascii 1) characters. Unix systems use a different convention. Placing this specification in the format file will cause EES to read the file and rewrite it according to the Windows format. AllowStrings will result in EES automatically setting a column in the Lookup table to be string format if it encounters a non-numerical character in the first row of data. Otherwise an error will be issued if character data are encountered when the file is opened.

Version 8.257 11/06/08
Tired of the "beep"? Well now, 5 separate sounds can be selected for different conditions from the Sound tab of the Preferences dialog. The different sound choices provide some diagnostic information as different sounds can be chosen for errors, warnings, information, completed and unexpected situations. To set all defaults, including the sounds to the default settings, delete the EES.PRF file and restart EES.

Version 8.249 10/27/08
The parameters for automatic step size integration can be specified in the Preference dialog or with the $IntegralAutoStep directive. For example:
$IntegralAutoStep Vary=1 Min=50 Max=2000 Reduce=1e-3 Increase=1e-5
sets the automatic step size algorithm to use variable steps that are adjusted at each step. The minumum and maximum number of steps are 50 and 2000, respectively. The step size is reduced if the relative error increase above 1e-3 and it is reduced if the relative error falls below 1e-5.

Version 8.246 10/21/08
Macro command InsertLookupColumn is provided in the Professional version. See the online help for details.

Version 8.244 10/18/08
The computational speed of the psychrometrics routines has been signicantly increased. Slight differences in the values compared to earlier versions may be evident.

Version 8.241 10/14/08
Variable information, such as the units, for variables in Functions and Procedures (as well as Modules and Subprograms) can be saved in a file and read from the file using the using the two small buttons at the upper right of the Variable Information dialog (Professional version). See the online help page entitled Variable Information Files (Professional Version) for more information.

Version 8.236 10/07/08
Right-clicking while editing the units field in the Variable Information dialog will bring up a list of units that are stored in the SI_DefaultUnits.unt and ENG_DefaultUnits.unt files. If you do not wish to have the pop-up list of units appear, rename or delete these files.

Version 8.230 09/30/08
Access the EES Calculator window can be attained by clicking on the calculator button at the right of the button bar below the main EES menu.

Version 8.228 09/29/08
The $HideWindow directive and macro command HideWindow Windowname will hide the specified window. Windowname can be any of the following: Equations, Formatted, Solution, Residuals, Arrays, Parametric, Lookup, Integral, Plot, Diagram.

The $ShowWindow and ShowWindow macro commands have been modified to allow a specified table, plot, or Child Diagram window to be specified. For example,
$ShowWindow Solution 'Key Variables'
will bring the Solution window to the front with the contents of the Key Variables tab showing.

Version 8.225 09/26/08
The Macro window will save its position and size and it will return to this condition when it is next opened.

Version 8.223 09/25/08
The tabs used to select different table or plot windows can be 'dragged' to a different tab location. This method of reordering the tabs is quicker than the alternative of right-clicking on each tab and specifying the tab position.

Version 8.207 09/08/08
Keystroke equivalents are provided for the menu items in the popup menu that appears when you right-click on a selection in the Equations window. For example, Shift-Ctrl-P will print the selection and Shift-Ctrl-H will highlight (or unhighlight) the selection with a yellow background.

Version 8.200 08/31/08
The limits and interval of the X, Y and Z plotting variables can optionally be specified in the NewContourPlot macro command, e.g.,
NewContourPlot Table=PAR1 X=x Y=y Z=z TYPE=Isometric LEGEND=YES RESOLUTION=25 XMIN=0 XMAX=1 XINT=0.1 ZINT=0.2

Version 8.194 08/25/08
If there are more than one solution windows (for example, for Key variables and/or functions, procedures and subprograms) the Solution window menu item will display a flyout menu that provides access to any of the solution windows.

Version 8.189 08/6/08
A name can be given to the Plot display button in the Diagram Window in the Professional version. When a name is provided, EES will generate variables Name.left, and Name.hide. These variables can be changed in an EES program or in the Diagram window (e.g., within a radio button group) to allow the plot button or the plot to be moved or hidden under programatic control.

Version 8.187 07/31/08
The Add Text dialog for the Diagram window provides a New button. Clicking this button will place the text item on the Diagram window and allow specifications to be entered for the next text item. In this way many text items can be placed on the Diagram window in this one dialog session. When editing an existing text item, the New button becomes the Apply button. Clicking the Apply button will make the changes to the text item visible, but allow further editing of this text item to continue.

Version 8.185 07/26/08
The Solution Window will display the number of warnings that occurred during the calculations, if any. The Warning dialog provides a checkbox that will turn on/off the automatic display of warnings. Warnings can always be viewed by selecting Warnings from the Windows menu.

Version 8.180 07/22/08
The Solid-Liquid_Props folder in Userlib has been moved to Userlib\EES_System\Solid-Liquid_props. This move ensures that the Solid-Liquid_Props library will be loaded before other libraries.

The IsIdealGas function will return -1 if the argument is one of the fluids in the Solid-Liquid_Props library. Specifically, the fluid must appear in the Fluids.txt file and property data for density, specific heat, viscosity and thermal conductivity must be provided.

The Internal and External convection libraries provided in conjuction with the Nellis and Klein Heat Transfer textbook (Cambridge University Press, 2009) will accept fluids from the Solid-Liquid_props library in addition to the built-in fluids.

Version 8.173 07/16/08
The ability for EES to efficiently read in large numbers of strings in Lookup tables has been significantly enhanced. Execution speed should also increase.

Version 8.149 06/16/08
The $EXPORT directive can be used to export numerical or string constants in addition to variables.

Version 8.123 05/13/08
The macro command Show Solution Key will bring the Solutions window to the front and show the Key Variables window if it exists.

Version 8.116 05/04/08
The Macro SolveTable command will accept variables for the start and stop rows in the table, e.g., SolveTable 'Table 1' Rows=Start..Stop

Version 8.115 05/03/08
Objects on the plot and diagram windows can be resized while keeping their aspect ratio fixed.

Version 8.106 04/18/08
Diagram Link buttons can link to the Main diagram window (from a child diagram window) as well as to a child diagram window.
The open parenthesis is shown in bold in the Equations window to help in the process of entering equations with nested parentheses.

Version 8.104 04/16/08
Transparent Link buttons can be placed on the Diagram window. These buttons allow the placement of 'hot spots' on the Diagram window that, when clicked, can perform most any action.

Version 8.099 04/10/08
A RETURN statement may be used within Functions and Procedures. When a RETURN is encountered, the Function or Procedure is closed and control transfers to the statement directly that folows the call to the Function or Procedure.

Version 8.095 04/02/08
The $StopCriteria directive allows the stopping criteria that control the results of iterative calculations to be specified in the Equations window. The format is:
$StopCriteria Iterations=200 Residuals=1e-5 Variables=1e-9 Time=3000
One or more of the parameters can be specified and they can be placed in any order.

Version 8.089 03/16/08
The Unit Conversion Info dialog will show the conversion factor and inverse conversion factor for any two items selected from the list on the right.

Version 8.077 02/28/08
Contour plots can be generated with the NEWCONTOURPLOT macro command. The format is:
Keywords for the legend and resolution can be optionally provided.

Version 8.069 02/17/08
Changes to the font, font size, font color and style for the scale on a plot axis can be applied to all axes in the plot.

Version 8.064 02/09/08
The Professional version provides a Library manager to control which external files are automatically loaded when EES starts. The Library manager is accessed by clicking the Auto Load button at the bottom of the Function Info dialog. This button is visible when any of the radio buttons at the top right of the dialog are selected.

Version 8.058 02/01/08
Property data for ideal gas argon are provided for temperatures between 100 K and 1500 K. Ideal gas argon is indicated by property name Ar. Real gas behavior of argon is implemented with a high accuracy equation of state with property name Argon.

Version 8.050 01/23/08
The Modify Plot dialog (Plots menu) provides a Get Data button. Clicking this button will allow the recover the data used to generate the plot. The data will be saved to a Lookup table having a name entered in the prompt that appears when the button is clicked.

Version 8.039 01/09/08
Values can be entered into a column of a Lookup tables using an equation, similar to capability provided in spreadsheet programs. The equation can refer to values in other columns of the table and to defined EES variables. All of the built-in functions can be employed in the equations. Values in a column are represented in the equations with #n where n is the column number. For example, to convert temperatures in °C in column 1 of the Lookup table to values in K in the selected column, enter convertTemp(C,K,#1). It is also possible to refer to specific rows in the designated column by including the row number in square brackets. For example, #2[3] refers to the value in row 3 of column 2. #R designates the current row. To set the values in column 2 to the values in column 1 but offset by 1 row, enter #2[#R-1]. An Apply button has been added to the dialog so that the changes can be viewed before exiting the dialog. See the online help for more information on these features. The online help for this topic can be brought up by clicking the ? button at the upper right of the dialog that appears when you click on the inverted triangle in the table header column.

Version 8.036 01/04/08
A comment can be embedded within a unit string by surrounding the comment with either braces ({}} or backslash (\) characters. The comment will be displayed with the unit but it will be ignored by the Convert function when doing unit conversions. A possible use for these comments is to identify the substance, e.g, h= 1500 [kJ/kg{dry air}]. The length of the unit string, including the comment, is limited to 30 characters.

Version 8.033 01/03/08
Animations generated in the Diagram window (Professional version) can be saved in a sequence of .EMF files that can be assembled into a stand-alone movie with Microsoft Movie Maker or other software. This capability is enabled by clicking the Save Movie button on the animation control bar.

Version 8.029 12/27/2007
Holding the Shift key down while resizing a line in the plot window will force the line to be drawn at angle of 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, or 90°.

Version 8.025 12/19/2007
EES provides a thousands separator as a display option. Thus, the number 12345.67 will display as 12,345.67 in the U.S. system when this option is applied. The option is set in the Display tab of the Preferences dialog.

Version 8.016 12/02/2007
Right-clicking (or double-clicking the left button) on a plot object (such as a line or circle) will bring up a pop-up menu that will allow the object to be cut, copied, have it its display order changed, in addition to providing access to the properties dialog for the object.

Version 8.012 11/24/2007
Text and/or plot objects can be centered with respect to the X or Y axes using the alignment option on the plot window toolbar. This option is very handy for ensuring that the X and Y axes labels are placed properly.

Version 8.011 11/23/2007
A hint appears when the mouse is moved over that tab on a plot or table window. The hint normally contains the descriptive text that can be added when you right-click on the tab. If no descriptive text has been added, the hint for the plot window is the names of the variables that are plotted on the X and Y axes. The hints make it easier to find the plot or table when many have been created.

Version 8.008 11/19/2007
Array values can be entered with a short-hand array range notation, e.g.,
    X[1..4]=[11, 22, A*B, Z^2]

Version 8.007 11/16/2007
The elapsed calculation time for each user-written Function, Procedure, and Subprogram is reported in the Solution window.

Version 8.003 11/11/2007
Property data have been added for the blend R423A.

Version 7.977 09/24/2007
Ideal gas properties for helium (substance He) have been added to the property data base.

Version 7.972 09/14/2007
The AvgLookup, MinLookup, MaxLookup, StdDevLookup and SumLookup can be used with both Lookup tables that appear within EES and Lookup files that reside on disk.

Version 7.967 09/02/2007
The Equations window provides 8 levels of Undo and a Redo command.

Version 7.966 08/26/2007
A variation of the Neider-Mead optimization algorithm has been implemented in the Professional version. This algorithm does not use derivatives. For some problems, it is able to find an optimum more reliably than the Direct Search and Variable Metric methods implemented in EES.

Version 7.965 08/25/2007
If EES is started from a short-cut, it is possible to specify the starting directory by right-clicking on the short-cut and entering the starting directory in the short-cut properties. If EES finds the EES.PRF file that contains the user preferences in this starting directory, it will use it rather than the EES.PRF found in the EES directory. This provides a way for each user to have unique preferences.

Version 7.953 08/08/2007
LOOKUP files that are read into a LOOKUP Table can be read with a format specification using the $OPENLOOKUP directive, the OPENLOOKUP macro command or simply the Open Lookup menu item in the Tables menu. The format specification is provided in a .FMT file. The details relating to the .FMT file and the /FORMAT option are provided in the online help.

Version 7.946 08/02/2007
The Calculator window recognizes the following commands.
     Clear {clear the contents of the Calculator window}
     Solve {initiates the same action as the Solve command in the Calculate menu}
     Exit {close the Calculator window}

Version 7.945 08/01/2007
The $EXPORT directive provides several new options. The format of each numerical value in the $EXPORT statement can be followed with a format specification that controls how it is written to the file. Appending :A causes the value to appear in the same format as seen in the Solution window. :Fn and :En format for fixed decimal or exponential format with n digits where n is an integer between 0 and 9. Also, the filename appearing the $EXPORT directive can have a .DAT and .TAB filename extension, in addition to the existing .CSV and .TXT options. .DAT files separate values with one space and .TAB files separate value with a tab character.

Version 7.934 07/15/2007
The $IMPORT directive provides an option to skip a specified number of lines before reading a file with the /skiplines=xx clause.

Version 7.933 07/13/2007
Function NFILEROWS(F$) returns the number of rows in file F$ where F$ is a string variable or string constant holding the name of a file stored on disk.

Version 7.931 07/04/2007
Function NARRAYROWS(0) and NARRAYCOLUMNS(0) have been implemented to return the number of rows and columns are in use in the Arrays window.

Version 7.929 07/01/2007
If problems are detected when attempting to read a Lookup file, EES will now display a dialog that shows the first 10 lines of the file and allows a specified number of lines to be skipped.

Version 7.925 06/21/2007
The maximum number of variables permitted in an uncertainty analysis has been increased to 30. The maximum number of optimization variables has been increased to 20.

Version 7.914 06/07/2007
Many heat transfer functions that provide, for example, convection relations, fin efficiencies, radiation view factors, shape factors, heat exchanger relations, have been optionally included. Check the Heat Transfer Library control in the setup program to install these files. The functions have been developed to accompany the forthcoming book:
     Heat Transfer with Software Tools
     G.F. Nellis and S.A. Klein
     Cambridge University Press, 2009

Version 7.910 05/24/2007
The constant Po# will automatically change its values and units to match the pressure units setting in the Unit Information dialog.

Version 7.906 05/17/2007
The Lennard-Jones energy (ek_LJ) and length (sigma_LJ) parameters that are used in the characteristic Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential function have been added to the property data base.

Version 7.903 05/17/07
Economic functions P_1f and P_2f have been added to the EES_System folder in USERLIB. Check the help for P1P2 in the Help for External Libraries for information on the use of these functions.

Version 7.898 05/05/07
The Linear Regression command now provides a Plot button. After the fitting process is completed, pressing the Plot button will produce a plot of the predicted values of the dependent variable from the regression equation versus the values provided in the table.

Version 7.893 04/15/07
The Linear Regression command in the Tables menu has been improved. It now will allow up to 9 independent variables (previously 6) and up to 100 adjustable parameters (previously 40).

Version 7.888 04/01/07
Executables may be started with the parameter /SOLVE or /SOLVETABLE. In this case, the executable program will be executed directly after it is loaded and then it will quit automatically. The executable can read and write files using the $IMPORT and $EXPORT directives.

Version 7.876 03/09/07
The 3D plotting routines have been updated. If you are using Vista and the 3D plotting routines are not working properly, try turning off the advanced display features.

Version 7.872 03/03/07
Support for the new Vista operating system has been implemented.

Version 7.848 02/07/07
The $IF/IFNOT directive will now accept a second condition separated by the OR keyword, e.g., $IFNOT ParametricTable OR MinMax

Version 7.845 02/03/07
The abilty to save and apply plot templates has been added to the Professional version. Access to plot templates is provided by right-clicking on the tab at the top of the plot window.

Version 7.844 02/03/07
Units rpm and rps have been removed from the units list because of the confusion introduced relating to whether an rpm should be a considered a rev/min (in which a factor of 2 * pi should be applied to convert it to radians/min) or cycles/min. Use rev/min if you wish to have the 2 * pi conversion factor or cpm if the factor should be considered a frequency.

Version 7.833 01/18/07
Holding the Shift key down while copying a selection from the Parametric or Lookup tables will cause all numbers to be copied in E-format with 12 digits of precision.

Version 7.831 01/17/07
The Ceil(X) funcion returns the lowest integer greater than or equal to X. Ceil(X) differs from Round(X) when the argument is negative.

The NewTable and NewLookup macro commands (Professional version) can use previously assigned variables for the table name and for the number of rows and columns. For example, the following code would produce a new lookup table named LT1 with 30 rows and 2 columns:

T$='LT1'; N=30; M=2; NEWLOOKUP T$ Rows=N Cols=M

Version 7.827 01/07/07
A status bar appears at the bottom of the plot window when the coordinate crosshair option is chosen from the toolbar (or when the Ctrl-Shift keys are depressed). The status bar shows the location of the cursor in the plot window coordinates. This information was previously displayed in the window title.

Version 7.822 12/23/06
The $IF and $IFNOT directives will now accept the following keywords: MINMAXTABLE='Table Name', UNCERTAINTY, UNCERTAINTYTABLE, and UNCERTAINTYTABLE='Table Name'

Version 7.818 12/17/06
The Load #n macro command loads the nth file in a distributable program. With this command, a series of programs can be run autonomously in a distributable program.

Version 7.812 12/10/06
Placing a \\EES_Plotn in a comment within the Equations window will cause the nth plot window to brought to the front when the user clicks on this text. n is a number that ranges from 1 to the number of plots, e.g., \\EES_Plot3.

Version 7.807 12/05/06
The $DOLAST - $ENDDOLAST directives can be used with the Parametric Table. The equations within the $DOLAST clause are executed after the Parametric Table calculations are completed.

Version 7.798 11/20/06
The $REAL directive identifies the variables in complex mode that are to be considered real (i.e., having an imaginary component of 0). This directive is useful when working with a Parametric table since it eliminates the need to specify the imaginary component of the variable to zero.

Version 7.793 11/12/06
BRINEPROP2 is a newer release of the external procedure BRINEPROP. It returns the freezing point, density, specific heat, thermal conductivity and viscosity of a solution with a a single call statement. It is written to be compatible with the unit checking features in EES and it will replace BRINEPROP. BRINEPROP is still provided for backward compatibility.

Version 7.790 11/07/06
If you right-click the mouse on any table (Parametric, Lookup, Arrays, or Integral) when table cells are selected a popup menu will appear. The popup menu provides many of the same options that are available in the main menu. However, one additional option is Copy (E-Format). Copy and Copy with Headers copy the selected data in the table with exactly the number of significant figures that are displayed. Copy (E-Format) will copy the values with 12 significant figures. These data can then be pasted into another column in a table with no loss in accuracy.

Version 7.789 11/05/06
Subprograms can be configured to operate with complex variables by placing a $COMPLEX ON directive within the text of the Subprogram. The real and imaginary parts of complex variables that are passed to the Subprogram must be passed as separate parameters.

Version 7.788 11/04/06
The border color of a plot can be set to white to eliminate a visible border.

Version 7.783 10/24/06
Unit checking has been implemented for the complex number mode.

Version 7.780 10/24/06
The $COMPLEX ON directive can be followed by an i or j to indicate which symbol is to represent the square root of -1.

Version 7.774 10/16/06
One or more rows in a Parametric or Lookup table can be selected by dragging the mouse in the first column of the table. Right clicking now provides the option to clear the values in the selected rows.

Version 7.771 10/15/06
The SaveLookup, SaveTable and SaveArrays Macro commands (Professional version) have been extended in the following manner.

SaveLookup 'Lookup 1' myTable.txt /A /T /N /E

will save the contents of the Lookup table having the tab name 'Lookup 1' to a file called mytable.txt. If ? is provided in place of the file name, a dialog will appear to enter a file name.
The following options can be applied if the saved file is a .txt or .csv file.
    If /A is provided as an option and the file exists, the current information in the table will be appended to the existing file.
    If /T is provided, the data in the file will be transposed.
    If /N is provided, the column name and units will be written, followed by the data in the table
    If /E is provided, the file will be written in a format that can be read as a EES Lookup Table.

Version 7.764 10/08/06
A dialog appears when warnings occur during the calculations. An option is now provided to avoid showing this dialog more than once. Warnings can be viewed by selecting the Warning menu item in the Windows menu.

Version 7.759 10/03/06
A DELETELookup 'tablename' has been added to the list of Macro commands (Professional version). The table name can be specified as a string constant (in single quotes), as a string variable, or as an integer indicating the position of the table with the first table being number 1.

Version 7.756 10/03/06
The OpenLookup Macro command can provide a ? in place of a filename. In this case, EES will present a file selection dialog to choose the file name.

Version 7.755 10/01/06
Multiple assignments can be specified in one line of a Macro file, provided that they are separated by a line break character (;).
The EES_REFPROP interface has been significantly revised. Contact F-Chart Software for a update if you are currently using EESREFP6.

Version 7.741 09/07/06
Rows can be deleted and inserted into the Lookup and Parametric tables by right-clicking in the first column of the table. A pop-up menu will appear. The Sum Row for the Parametric table can be made visible or hidden from the pop-up menu that appears.

Version 7.729 08/16/06
The Macro Plot and OverlayPlot commands accept the name of the table to be plotted if it is surrounded in single quotes, e.g., 'myTable'. The older format in which the table is indicated by the table type and tab number, e.g., PAR2 or LOOK3 is still supported.

Version 7.726 08/13/06
The Professional version allows overlay plots on an existing contour or banded plot.

Version 7.713 08/01/06
New Functions MinParametric, MaxParametric, MinLookup and MaxLookup have been added to determine the minimum and maximum of all or selected cells in the Parametric and Lookup tables.

Version 7.705 07/24/06
Normally EES places single quote marks around strings when outputing to a file using the $EXPORT or $SaveTable directives. However, these directives now recognize the /Q option which, if present, will result in the strings being output without the single quotes.

Version 7.689 06/30/06
The Solid-Liquid property library returns the units for the specific heat function c_ to be J/kg-K or kJ/kg-K, depending on the setting of the energy Units. Also, in this library, the units of the Pv_ function are returned in the pressure units that EES is set at.

Version 7.682 06/24/06
Active hypertext can be entered into the Equations and Report windows. In the Equations window, the hypertext should only be entered within a comment. EES will automatically identify hypertext links that begin with http:\\, https:\\ or file: In addition, a hypertext link that begins with \\EES_ following by the name of an EES window is understood to be a link to that window. Clicking on a link will move the focus to that location, opening another program if necessary. A summary of the recognized links is shown below:

http:\\ {open the default browser and point it at the web page that follows http:}
https:\\ {open the default browser and point it at the web page that follows https:}
file:c:\ees32\ees_manual.pdf {open the local file with a filename that follows file: and start the appropriate application}
\\EES_Solution {open the Solution window and bring it to the front}
\\EES_Format {open the Formatted equations window and bring it to the front}
\\EES_Plot {open the Plot window and bring it to the front}
\\EES_Parametric {open the Parametric table and bring it to the front}
\\EES_Lookup {open the Lookup table and bring it to the front}
\\EES_Array {open the Array table and bring it to the front}
\\EES_Integral {open the Integral table and bring it to the front}
\\EES_Report {open the Report window and bring it to the front}
\\EES_Diagram {open the Diagram window and bring it to the front}
\\EES_Residual {open the Residuals window and bring it to the front}
\\EES_Calculator {open the EES Calculator window and bring it to the front}
\\EES_Solve {solve the current set of equations}
\\EES_SolveTable {apply the Solve Table command in the Calculate menu}
\\EES_MinMax {apply the MinMax command in the Calculate menu}
\\EES_MinMaxTable {apply the MinMax Table command in the Calculate menu}

Version 7.675 06/16/06
String function CHR$(x) returns a string consisting of one character with ASCII code x. TRIM$(A$) removes leading and trailing spaces from the string in string variable A$.

Version 7.667 06/09/06
The Probability(x_1, x_2, mu, sigma) function returns the probability the x lies between x_1 and x_2 in a normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma.

Version 7.666 06/08/06
Library files in the USERLIB\EES_System folder are loaded before any other library files. Library files that are called by other library files and thus need to be loaded first can be placed in this folder.

Version 7.665 06/05/06
The $RequiredOutputs directive allows the number of outputs in the Call statement for a Procedure to be less than the number of outputs in the Procedure header statement without raising an error.

Version 7.661 05/31/06
Shortcut (or link) files can now be placed in the UserLib folder. EES will open the directory specified by the shortcut and load the library files at startup.

Version 7.659 05/29/06
.EEZ files are compressed .EES files with the zip format. The Professional version of EES can save .EEZ files. All versions of EES starting with Version 7.659 can read .EEZ files. .EEZ files greatly reduce file size when the EES file contains bitmaps in the Diagram windows or a lot of data.

Distributable programs created by EES can be automatically zipped. The zip file contains the .exe file and supporting files in the \UserLib directory that are needed for it to operate.

Version 7.657 05/27/06
The USERLIB directory has been rearranged to make it more convenient to add and remove programs. EES will now load files that are nested within subdirectories within the USERLIB directory.

Version 7.654 05/24/06
Interpolate2DM is a function that provides 2-dimensional linear interpolation of data in a Lookup file or table. See the online help for details.

Version 7.649 05/19/06
Contour plots provide the option to display gradient arrows. The arrows point the direction of the gradient with the length of the arrow shaft being proportional to the magnitude of the gradient.

Version 7.646 05/16/06
The 3D surface plots now provide the option to show a legend for the displayed colors.

Version 7.645 05/14/06
Contour and surface plots now provide the option to show a full spectrum of colors in addition to the red to blue colors that was provided in earlier versions.

Version 7.632 05/01/06
The cursor changes to an up/down arrow when it is positioned over the small drag indicator in the Variable Information dialog. This visual indicator should make use of the drag information capability more convenient.

Version 7.631 04/30/06
A method to visually access library files has been added to the Function Information dialog. Each function in these libraries is associated with a small bitmap picture. Click on the lower right button in the button group shown at the top to access this library. A drop-down list of libary files is available that currently provides visual access to libraries for a) Fin efficiencies; b) Heat exchanger effectiveness; c) Shape Factors; and d) View Factors. These libraries are being developed for the textbook: Intermediate Heat Transfer with Software Tools; G.F. Nellis and S.A. Klein, 2009. Additional libraries can be added by users, as explained in the on-line help.

Version 7.618 04/15/06
Functions for fractional power Bessel and Modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind have been implemented.

Version 7.614 04/10/06
The Function Information dialog provides a drop-down list with categories for the solid-liquid properties. The categories are: all data, metals, liquid metals, building materials, insulation, miscellaneous materials, and fluids. Selecting an item in this list results in an abbreviated display of substances in the selected category.

Version 7.611 04/04/06
Unit specifications with negative exponents can be entered and the separator between units can be a space (rather than a -). For example, the following EES unit assignments are all equivalent.
A=5 [W m-2 K-1]
B=5 [W/m^2-K]
C=5 [W/(m^2 K)]
D=5 [W m^-2 K^-1]

Version 7.608 04/02/06
Thermal conductivity data at temperatures between 1 K and 100 K has been added for many metalsto the Solid/Liquid property database.

Version 7.607 04/01/06
A Moving Average smoothing option has been added to the Modify Plot dialog. The moving average smoothing algorithm works best for data that exhibit scatter, such as experimental data. A control is provided to specify the number of points included in the average, thereby controlling the extent of the smoothing.

Version 7.604 03/26/06
An EES external procedure, called NASA, determines the specific heat, specific enthalpy, and specific entropy of a substance as a function of temperature for over 2000 gaseous and condensed substances. These properties are determined by polynomial curve fits developed by NASA as documented in:

Bonnie J. McBride, Michael J. Zehe, and Sanford Gordon
"NASA Glenn Coefficients for CalculatingThermodynamic Properties of Individual Species"
NASA/TP—2002-211556, Sept. 2002,

The NASA procedure is accessed with the following calling format.


where 'SUBSTANCE' is a string constant or variable with the name of the substance. All properties are returned on a molar basis. The NASA procedure is a superset of the information that has been previously provided in the JANAF procedure. In addition to providing new data and data for more substances, the NASA procedure provides data for considerable larger temperature ranges. The use of NASA over JANAF is recommended. Additional information can be obtained from the Function Information command in the Options window. Click on the External Routines button and then select NASA and click the Function Info button.

Version 7.602 03/19/06
GOTO commands are implemented in Macro files. GOTO is followed by a statement label number, e.g., 10. A statement label must exist, identified by the label number followed by a colon, e.g, 10: x=x+1
A Beep command has been implemented in Macro files. Execution of a Beep command results in an audible sound;

Version 7.602 03/19/06
IF THEN ELSE statements can now be used in Macro files.

Version 7.601 03/15/06
New policy. If a guess value for a variable is not within the lower and upper limits, its value will be set to the lower or upper limit and a warning message, rather than an error will be issued.

Version 7.591 03/06/06
The default tab stop positions and plot width and height can be specified in the Preferences dialog in cm or inch units, independent of the unit system chosen for property function evaluations.

Version 7.586 02/27/06
When the Variable Info command is selected from the Options menu, EES will attempt to solve equations that have a single unknown. If the value of a variable can be precalculated, its precalculated value will be displayed instead of its guess value in the guess value column and the value will be shown in bold font. These bold values can be changed and doing so will change the guess values. In some cases, that will affect the calculated result for these variables.

Version 7.578 02/17/06
EES now checks equations before saving a file. Errors are flagged but the save operation can continue if desired.
The navigation button(s) on a child Diagram window (Professional version) can be made visible or invisible by right-clicking on the window and selecting the Properties menu item from the popup menu.

Version 7.570 02/07/06
A distributable program made with the Professional version can now be optionally password-protected.

Version 7.569 02/05/06
The Macro commands (Professional version) SaveTable, SaveArrays, SaveLookup, and OpenLookup can now specify the name of the table to open or save in a string variable (e.g., FN$) that is assigned either in an EES program or with an assignment statement within the macro file.

Version 7.568 02/04/06
A menu option has been added to the Windows menu to access the Macro window.

Version 7.563 01/31/06
The Function Information dialog has been modified to allow selection of the independent properties that are displayed in the example edit box. In addition, the index, e.g., [1] of EES variables representing properties in the example edit box can now be specified. The revised dialog is more informative for new users and convenient for experienced users.

Version 7.562 01/27/06
Two-monitor support is provided for the main EES windows in the Professional version. Clicking the 2-monitor display button at the right of the title bar (next to the minimize, maximize and close buttons) allows the window to dragged outside of the bounding EES window. The window will also remain in front of all other EES windows. Only one window at a time is allowed in this display state. Clicking the button a second time returns the window to its normal display state.

Version 7.558 01/18/06
The online help now shows features that are specific to the Professional version in maroon-colored type.

Version 7.556 01/16/06
The Professional version allows text on a plot window to be positioned relative to the location of a specified data point. If the data point moves, the text also moves.

Version 7.554 01/14/06
The UNITSOF$(X) function returns the units of the EES variable that is provided as a parameter.
The following new units designations are recognized by the conversion routines: µg, ppm, ppb

Version 7.548 01/09/06
The 3D plotting routines have been updated so that EES will now run more reliably on modern video cards. If you have had a problem with the 3D version in the past, it may be cured with the changes in this version.

Version 7.542 01/01/06
The requirement that a subscript variable be defined before it is used has been relaxed. As a result it is now possible to solve the following equations:

Version 7.534 12/17/05
Any line in Equations window that begins with characters // will be ignored. This commenting option is also in effect in the Macro input window.

Version 7.527 12/09/05
The Macro NewPlot and OverlayPlot commands now accept Legend as a keyword. If Legend is found, a legend item will be created, just as if the Add Legend Item box were checked in the Plot Setup dialog.

Version 7.526 12/08/05
The X-Y-Z plotting option now offers two gridding algorithms: Radial Basis Function and Bi-Quadratic Polynomials. The Bi-Quadratic option is appropriate for smoothly varying functions.

Version 7.522 11/28/05
The $IF TableRun# directive now allows less than (<) and greater than (>) specifications in addition to equal (=). This directive allows different equations to be solved depending on the run number in a Parametric table.

Version 7.518 11/20/05
In the Professional version, the Minimum, Maximum and Interval for plot axes may be specified with EES variables in place of numerical values.

Version 7.514 11/12/05
The LOOKUPCOLNAME$ function can be used to set, as well as retrieve, the name of a column in a Lookup table. See the online help for details.

Version 7.512 11/07/05
A statusbar is displayed at the bottom of the Diagram window when it is set in development mode. The status bar shows the cursor position and information about the item at the cursor position.

Version 7.506 10/29/05
A Zoom Selection button has been added to the plot window toolbar. After pressing this button, select a rectangular area in the plot window and it will be displayed enlarged in a new plot window.

Version 7.504 10/26/05
Functions STDDEVLOOKUP and STDDEVPARAMETRIC have been added to simplify calculation of the standard deviation of data in a Lookup or Parametric table. The use of these function is similar to that of the AVGLOOKUP, AVGPARAMETRIC, SUMLOOKUP, and SUMPARAMETRIC functions.

Version 7.503 10/24/05
The format for the Solid-Liquid property functions has been made to be more compatible with the existing property function format. Quotes on the substance name are now optional and the T= designator to indicate that the following quantity is a temperature is also optional. For example, the following forms of the thermoconductivity function call are equivalent.
k=k_('Copper',25 [C])
S$='Copper'; T=25 [C]; k=k_(S$,T=T)

Version 7.499 10/20/05
A Delete command has been added to the Macro command set (Professional version) to allow any specified file to be deleted from the disk.

Version 7.498 10/16/05
The number of times each equation is called, including calls to evaluate numerical derivatives, is shown in the Residuals window.

Version 7.488 10/03/05
New plot window toolbar buttons have been added to display a crosshairs cursor and to move the plot. When the crosshairs cursor is displayed, the coordinates at the cursor are displayed in the plot window title bar.

Version 7.482 09/26/05
Numerical values can now be entered and displayed in Time Format. In this format, a decimal value is represented in hours, minutes, and optionally, seconds. For example, the value of 9.5041 will display in Time Format as 9:30:15. Time Format can be selected by right-clicking on the variable in the Solution Window. Alternatively, Time Format can be selected as a display format in the Variable Information dialog. Right-clicking in a table header and selecting Properties from the popup menu allows a column in the table to be displayed in Time Format. Values can be entered in Time Format in the Equations window and in the Parametric and Lookup tables. Variables in Time Format are stored in decimal hours and are internally assigned units of hours during unit checking.

Version 7.465 08/31/05
Thermodynamic and transport property data for ideal gas n-pentane have been implemented.

Version 7.459 08/26/05
Thermodynamic and transport property data for Toluene have been implemented.

Version 7.457 08/20/05
The Interpolate2D math function can now use either a bi-quadratic or a radial basis function method. The bi-quadratic method is the default. The number of data points used in the interpolation process can optionally be specified.

Version 7.451 08/11/05
A copy of a plot window can be displayed in the Diagram window (Professional version). The plot size and location can be selected. The plot is an exact copy of the selected plot window, so as the plot window is changed, the display in the Diagram window is changed. See the online help for "Displaying a Plot in the Diagram Window" for more information.

Version 7.448 08/01/05
Axis values on plots can be drawn at a specified angle between -90° and 90° in the Professional version. The default is 0° for horizontal text.

Version 7.444 07/26/05
Double-clicking on a text item in the Plot window when the Plot Window Tool bar is visible brings up a dialog that can be used to change the properties of the text item. This dialog now allows the font, font size, and font color to be applied to selected text, rather than to the entire text item.

Version 7.435 07/16/05
When a Save or Load Buttons in the Diagram window is given a name, EES variables become available that allow the button to be moved or hidden. A new variable, FileName$, provides the name of the Windows file that was last used with the Save or Load button. For example, LoadButton.FileName$ is the name of the file that was most recently loaded with a button named LoadButton. The filename can then be displayed on the Diagram window in the same manner as for other EES variables.

String function ShortFileName$ accepts one argument which can be a string constant or string variable that is expected to be a Windows style filename including the path and filename name extension. The function returns a string that is set to the filename with the path information removed.

Version 7.430 07/12/05
One or more equations can be copied from the Formatted Equations window and automatically translated into LaTeX or MathType in the Professional version. The MathType equation can be pasted directly into Microsoft Word or other applications where it can be further edited by MathType by double-clicking on the equation.

Version 7.418 06/17/05
Right-clicking on an equation in the Formatted Equations window will bring up a popup menu that provides an option to copy selected equations in LaTeX. The LaTeX is placed on the Clipboard.

Version 7.417 06/17/05
Property data are now provided for R236fa.

Version 7.407 05/14/05
Property data are now provided for fluorine

Version 7.399 05/14/05
Property data are now provided for R245fa and n-Dodecane.

Version 7.393 05/07/05
When the number of equations is not equal to the number of variables and the Solve command is applied, EES will present a dialog that provides a Debug button. The information that is provided in the Debug dialog that appears after pressing the Debug button has been improved to provide more accurate information concerning which equations are redundant or what variables may be missing.

Version 7.378 04/18/05
Right-clicking on the tab of a plot window brings up a dialog that allows the plot to be saved to a file. Plots can now be saved in TIFF (.TIF) format as well as in bitmap (.BMP), JPEG (.JPG), Window meta file (.WMF), and Enhanced meta file (.EMH) formats.

Version 7.377 04/17/05
A Traceback button has been added to the error message dialog in situations in which an error occurs within a Function, Procedure or Subprogram. Clicking the Traceback button causes Traceback Information to be displayed in the Debug window so that the calling sequence of routines that led to the error is known.

Version 7.373 04/10/05
The parameters that control the genetic optimization algorithm can be entered indirectly using slider bar controls (as before) or directly by typing the values into edit boxes. The alternative methods of entering these parameters are toggled by clicking on the button that contains the parameter name in the Min/Max dialog.

Version 7.372 04/04/05
A Print command is available for internal Functions and Procedures. The Print function writes selected variables to a text file. This capability may be useful for debugging user-written routines. Details on the use of the Print command are provided in the online help.

Version 7.368 03/27/05
Call statements can be used in Macros.

Version 7.367 03/26/05
Property data for H2S (hydrogen sulfide) have been implemented.

Version 7.361 03/20/05
It is no longer necessary to delete the contour plot and replot it when a change in the data or parameters is required. The Modify Plot dialog now includes an Update Contours button when a contour plot is chosen for modification (by right-clicking on the plot). Clicking the Update Contours button will allow any of the information that was used to construct the contour plot to be changed.

Version 7.358 03/14/05
The Properties menu item that becomes accessible when you right-click in the header cell of a table now displays the minimum and maximum values in the selected column along with other information.
Improved property data have been provided for R125.

Version 7.356 03/08/05
The $IF directive can recognize the MACRO keyword.

Macro files can contain assignment statements involving previously assigned variables. For example, the following equations can be used in a Macro command list.
M and N retain their values and can be used in the equation set when the SOLVE command is processed.

Version 7.350 02/28/05
The Alter Values, Insert/Delete Runs and Insert/Delete Vars commands in the Tables menu can now operate on one or more selected Parametric tables.

Version 7.349 02/25/05
Improved transport property information has been provided for Helium.

Version 7.343 02/16/05
When the units of an array variable are changed in the Variable Info dialog, the units of all array variables having the same parent name are also changed.

Version 7.340 02/15/05
A control is provided in the Preferences dialog (Options tab) to turn off/on automatic setting of units. The same effect can be achieved using the $AutoSetUnits On/Off directive.

Version 7.332 02/09/05
Units are automatically set for a variable on the left side of an equal sign by combining the units of variables on the right side of the equation. (See version 7.323.) The resulting unit grouping is now reduced as needed so that each unit is shown only once.

The size of a plot in the Modify Plot dialog can be specfied in inches or centimeters, independent of the unit system set for property functions.

Version 7.323 01/31/05
Units for variables that on the left side of an equal sign and have not been previously specified will be automatically set. Variables with units that have been automatically set will be shown in purple font in the Solution window.

Version 7.310 01/11/05
Property data for Dowtherm Q, Dowtherm RP, Hitec XL, Salt (60% NaNO3, 40% KNO3), Syltherm 800, Therminol 59, Therminol 66, Therminol VP1, Therminol XP, and Xceltherm 600 are provided in the Solid/Liquid properties option as a function of temperature. Vapor pressure data are provided for some of these substances.

Version 7.301 01/01/05
In previous versions, plots copied via the clipboard assumed a size (usually much larger) that differed from what appeared in the EES plot window. The size of a plot is now retained when copied to the Clipboard and pasted into another application (such as WORD or PowerPoint) as a Picture (enhanced metafile). The size that the plot will appear and print is specified in the Modify Plot dialog.

Version 7.294 12/18/04
When there are more than one plot line within a plot window, the plots are drawn in the order in which they were created. This order is displayed in the plot line list in the Modify Plot dialog. In some circumstances, the appearance of a plot may be improved by changing the order in which the plots are drawn. The order can be changed by selecting a plot line and dragging it to the desired location with the right mouse button. When the order is changed, reordered will be displayed below the left corner of the plot line list. The reordering is not actually done until the Apply or OK buttons are clicked.

Version 7.289 12/12/04
The Professional version allows the Equations window to be set to read-only status with password protection. The read-only status is controlled by a menu option in a popup menu that appears when the right mouse button is clicked on the Equations window. The online help provides details.

Version 7.284 12/06/04
The first 9 Parametric tables can be made visible and brought to the front of all other windows by pressing Ctrl-n where n is a number 1 to 9. The first 9 plots can be made visible and brought to the front of all other windows by pressing Ctrl-Alt n where n is a number 1 to 9. The first 9 Lookup tables can be made visible and brought to the front of all other windows by pressing Ctrl-Shift n where n is a number 1 to 9.

Version 7.280 12/04/04
The unit specification [-] is now recognized to be dimensionless.

Version 7.270 11/21/04
The $TRACE directive allows the values of selected variables to be recorded during the process in which the equations are iteratively solved. The online help provides information on how to use this directive.

Version 7.259 10/30/04
Macro files now support the UNCERTAINTY command which allows an uncertainty analysis to be initiated with a macro command.

Version 7.255 10/25/04
Macro files now support the IMPORT command. The IMPORT command provides the same capabilities as the $IMPORT directive.

Version 7.250 10/20/04
The units and values of user-defined constants that involve J or kJ units are converted appropropriately depending on the energy units setting. For example, R# will be 8.314 kJ/kmol-K if the energy units are set to kJ and 8314 J/kmol-K if the energy units are set to J.

Version 7.242 10/13/04
The plot toolbar must now be visible in order to select, move, and/or modify existing text and graphic items. The plot tool bar can be hidden or made visible by clicking on the plot window icon in the icon bar below the main menu. Right clicking on the plot window outside of the plot rectangle will also toggle the visibility of the the plot window tool bar. Of course, the Show/Hide Tool Bar menu item in the Plot menu can be used as well. The intent of this change is to make the operation of the plot window similar to that of the Diagram window. The visibility of the tool bar indicates that the plot is in development mode and changes can be made. When the tool bar is visible, the plot window is in development mode and changes can be made to the plot window. These changes are restricted when the tool bar is hidden, the plot window can be zoomed, resized, and copied.

Version 7.241 10/11/04
The plot rectangle within a plot window can be moved within the window when the Ctrl key is depressed.

A rectangular area within the plot window can be selected by pressing the mouse at the upper left corner and dragging it to the lower right corner. If the Shift key is held down during this process, the selected rectangle will have the same aspect ratio as the plot rectangle. If the plot window tool bar is visible, all text and graphic objects within this rectangle will be selected when the mouse button is released. If the plot window tool bar is not visible, the plot information within selected rectangle will be drawn with the enlarged scale in a new plot window. The axes and any other information in this zoomed plot can be adjusted in the same manner as for any other plot window.

Version 7.237 10/04/04
Engineering display is now provided as an option. Engineering display is similar to exponential display except that the exponent value following the E will always be an integer factor of 3, e.g., E00, E03, E06, etc.

Version 7.232 09/26/04
Supercript + and - formatting is available for variables whose names end with |plus and |minus, respectively.

Version 7.230 09/20/04
The psychrometric routines have been modified to provide more accurate results at temperatures above 100°C.

Version 7.225 09/12/04
The Find and Next commands in the Search menu can be used to locate items in the Diagram and child Diagram windows that refer to a specified EES variable.

Version 7.224 09/12/04
The range and accuracy of the thermal conductivity and viscosity correlations for ammonia have been improved. See the online help for information on the transport property relations that have been implemented.

Version 7.211 08/30/04
The Residuals window has been revised to allow improved operation for large problems. Text in the Residuals window can be selected and copied to the clipboard.

Version 7.197 08/15/04
EES variables can be assigned a value in a macro files. For example, the Macro command, X$='GUESS' sets the string variable X$ just as it would if this statement appeared in the Equations window.

An EXPORT command has been added to the list of macro commands. The EXPORT command allows the values of specified variables to be written to the Clipboard or to a file.

Comments can be inserted in a macro file. Comments begin with characters // .

Version 7.195 08/13/04
Macro files now supports a Repeat ... Until(test) construct. The macro commands between the Repeat and Until keywords (on separate lines) are repeated until the test is true. The test can involve EES variables. This command replaces the Cycle macro command. It can be used to automatically find the periodic steady state solution by reading and writing EES variables with the $IMPORT and $EXPORT directives.

Additional controls have been added to he Macro window (Professional version). In addition to the Play and Help buttons that were previously available, buttons have been added to Pause and Stop a macro, to Save the macro file and to lock/unlock the macro window.

Version 7.187 08/03/04
The $SAVETABLE directive allows an automatic way to save any table to a .LKT, .CSV or .TXT file. Options are provided to save the column header information, save in EES format, append to existing file, and transpose rows and columns.

The EESFILEDIR$ and EESPROGRAMDIR$ string functions return the directory of the current EES file and the EES application, respectively. The string returned from these functions can be used with the CONCAT$ function to create a string variable with a completely specified path.

Version 7.186 07/30/04
A built-in procedure called CurveFit1D has been implemented to provide linear regression. CurveFit1D will return the curve fit parameters, RMS, Bias, R2, and standard error of each parameter fitted to linear, polynomial, power, exponential or, logarithmic forms.

Version 7.181 07/23/04
Five additional line styles have been added to the line tool in the Plot and Diagram windows.

Version 7.177 07/14/04
Holding the Shift key down while dragging the mouse in the Plot windows causes a selection rectangle to appear. All text and objects within the rectangle will be selected.

Version 7.173 07/04/04
In the Professional version, a picture from a bitmap (.bmp) or JPEG (.jpg) file may be placed on any button in the Diagram window. This capability allows the appearance of the buttons to be customized.

Version 7.172 07/03/04
Buttons placed on the Diagram window can be selected, deleted, moved, copied, and pasted in the same manner as other Diagram window objects when the Diagram window is in Development mode.

Version 7.169 06/26/04
LOOKUPCOLNAME$('TableName',ColNo) returns the name of the specified column in a Lookup table or Lookup file. The table name can be a string constant or a string variable.

Version 7.167 06/25/04
NLOOKUPCOLUMNS('TableName') returns the number of columns in a Lookup table or Lookup file. The argument to this function can be a string variable.

Version 7.158 06/14/04
A status bar is provided at the bottom of the Residuals window. The status bar shows the values of variables in the equation under the cursor. The variables are shown, by default, with their units. Right-click on the status bar to change this setting so that values are shown without units.

Version 7.150 06/07/04
The Variable Information dialog now provides a control so that either the guess values or the current values of the variables can be displayed.

Version 7.143 05/30/04
In the Professional version, all buttons (e.g, Calculate, Print, Help, Load Inputs , and Save Inputs) on the Diagram window can be given a name. When this is done, EES creates variables Name.left,, and Name.hide. These variables can be set in the Equations window or in a Checkbox, Radio Group or Drop-down list on the Diagram window to dynamically control the attributes of the button.

Version 7.138 05/27/04
Previously, right-clicking (or double-cliking) on the Diagram or child Diagram window while in Development mode would allow the contents of the window to be scaled \ to fit the screen. This capability has been extended by allowing the window to be resized by a specified scale factor. Also, right-clicking (or double-clicking) on a child Diagram windows brings up a popup menu with a Properties item. If selected, the Properties item allows the hot area and other information relating to the child Diagram window to be viewed or changed.

Version 7.132 05/26/04
The Professional version of EES now allows Calculate buttons to be give a name. The name can be used to dynamically control the left, top and hide attributes of the buttons with EES variables.

Version 7.126 05/23/04
The Professional version of EES now allows check box and radio group objects to be placed in the Diagram window. These controls allow a set of EES commands to be associated with the check box or radio button selection. Changing the selection changes the equations that EES solves. The display in the Diagram window can be dynamically changed by changing the values of EES variables that represent the characteristics of graphical or text items. See the online help and the Diagram window examples for additional information.

Version 7.114 05/11/04
The $IF StringVariable$ allows conditional compilation depending on what StringVariable$ is set to. StringVariable$ can now be set in the Parametric Table. In this case, a different set of equations can be solved for each row in the Parametric Table.

Version 7.110 05/06/04
Integral tables are now saved with other file information when an EES file is saved. Note that EES files having one or more Integral Tables that are saved with version 7.110 or newer cannot be read by EES versions older than 7.110. There is no compatibility problem if the EES file does not use Integral tables.

Version 7.102 04/26/04
The $SHOWWINDOW directive allows a specified window to be brought to the front after calculations are completed.

Version 7.093 04/19/04
The Solve Table dialog now provides the option to select one or more tables for calculations. Press and hold the Shift key down to allow more than one Parametric table to be selected.

Version 7.091 04/18/04
The maximum mutation rate for the genetic optimization algorithm can now be set between 0.0875 and 0.7. Previously, the value of this parameter was fixed at 0.25. Larger values of the maximum mutation rate cause the algorithm to search more agressively for a global optimum that is distant from the current best point. Smaller values force the algorithm to look closely around the current best point for the optimum.

Version 7.088 04/15/04
The maximum number of rows in Parametric and Lookup tables in the Professional version was limited to 32766 although the manual indicated that the limit was available memory. The 32766 limit has been eliminated.

Version 7.084 04/12/04
Thermodynamic and transport data have been added for Kypton. Transport property information has been improved for R116 and Xenon.

Version 7.083 04/11/04
EES is usually configured so that the main EES windows occupies the entire screen. If this is not the case, EES will create an EES.ini file in the EES startup directory when EES closes, so that the next time EES is started, the main EES window will be restored to the size and location it had during its last use. If the EES.ini does not exist, EES will start with its default settings.

Version 7.078 04/05/04
Temporary constants that are in effect only for the current EES file can be specified with the $CONSTANT directive. Constants defined in this manner can have different values and units for SI and English systems. Since constants are visible to all EES functions, procedures, modules, and subprograms, constants defined with the $CONSTANT directive serve as global variables within an EES file. These constants are useful for specifying the size of arrays that are passed to EES functions and procedures. The $CONSTANT directive does not affect the Constants.txt file. See the Online help for details.

Version 7.076 04/01/04
If a Cycle command is included in the macro file, the commands in the macro file are repeated for a specified number of times or indefinitely, if no specification is provided. Pressing the Esc key will stop execution. A Pause command can be included in the macro file so that EES will pause for a specified time period between each execution of the macro commands. With these commands, it is possible to interface EES to a data acquisition program that outputs data to a file or to the Clipboard at specified time intervals. EES can repeat its calculations with each new set of data placed in the file or on the clipboard.

Version 7.072 03/29/04
If the number of rows or columns of data on the clipboard exceeds the number of rows or columns in the Lookup Table that the data are to pasted into, an option is provided to add more rows or columns to table. A similar option is provided for rows in the Parametric table.

Version 7.070 03/19/04
The Save Lookup Table (Tables menu) in earlier versions of EES has been replaced with a Save Table command that allows all EES tables (inlcuding the Arrays and Integral Tables) to be saved in a choice of formats that are convenient for exporting data to EES Lookup tables or to other applications. An option to transpose rows and columns is provided.

An IF$ function has been implemented to operate like the IF function, but returning a string variable.

Version 7.064 03/15/04
The Uncertainty Propagation and Uncertainty Propagation Table commands can now be initiated by clicking a Calculate button in the Diagram Window.

Version 7.063 03/15/04
When EES is started, it will look for a file called HELLO.TXT in the EES application directory. If this file exists, it will be displayed in the Equations window.

$EXPORT recognizes the /C option which clears the file (or Clipboard) before exporting. This option is most useful when using the $EXPORT with a Parametric Table and only the most recent information is to be retained in the exported file.

Version 7.062 03/14/04
High accuracy thermodynamic and transport data are provided for refrigerant R124.

Version 7.061 03/13/04
External routines to support the estimation of thermodynamic properties of pure fluids and mixtures using the Peng-Robison equation of state are provided in the external library file Peng_Robinson.DLL.

An EES provided to determine the one or three roots of a cubic equation is provided in RealCubicRoots.lib.

See the on-line help accessed from the Function Information item (in the Options menu) for details on the implementation of both of these library routines.

Version 7.054 03/07/04
The conditional compilation $IF/IFNOT statement now recognizes the INTEGRALTABLE keyword.

Version 7.049 03/01/04
The contents of a .jpg, .wmf, or .bmp graphical file can optionally be displayed when a distributable program is started. This file can be used to provide author information, a company logo, or any desired information. The contents of the file are incorporated into the distributable when it is created.

Version 7.047 02/25/04
Thermodynamic property data for R116 are now available.

Version 7.043 02/22/04
A dummy string is needed to create a dropdown item in the Diagram window. Previously, one would have to enter a temporary string in the Equations window, e.g., X$='Temp' so that it could be selected in the Diagram Text dialog. The Add String Variable choice in the Diagram Text dialog eliminates the need to enter this variable and later delete it from the Equations window.

Version 7.038 02/15/04
It is no longer necessary to reload the saved file after purging unused variables with the Save As... command. The unused variables are purged from the saved file and from memory in the current file.

Version 7.037 02/14/04
The Variable Information dialog window can represent all elements in an array with its array name by unchecking the Show Array Elements checkbox at the upper right. In this mode, the guess values, and lower and upper bounds for an array can now be set to other arrays. For example, entering y[] as the guess value for array x[] will set the guess values of x[1], x[2], ... to y[1], y[2], etc, assuming that the array elements exit. If array elements are later added to array x[], they too will be set to have their corresponding guess values set to y[] if the elements in the y array have been defined.

An Apply button has been added to the Variable Information dialog window. Clicking the Apply button applies all of the changes that have been made in the Variable Information dialog window, just as if the OK button had been clicked, but the dialog window remains open so additional changes can be made.

Version 7.035 02/10/04
The Make Distributable command (File menu, Professional version) has been modified to allow up to 100 files to be included with a Distributable program. The files are accessed from a Distributable Files menu that is placed at the rightmost position of the menu bar. The name of this menu can be supplied when the distributable program is created. Horizontal menu separators can be added by supply a hyphen (-) as the file name. Provisions have been added to the Make Distributable command to view and reorder the files that are to be included in the distributable program. See the on-line help for details.

Version 7.029 02/01/04
Property function ENTHALPY_FUSION returns the enthalpy change of fusion for the specified substance at the normal melting temperature.

Version 7.028 01/31/04
The Make Distributable command provides a check list of external files that should be included with the Distributable program and a ..\UserLib subdirectory is automatically created if needed. Also check boxes are now available to control access to the Calculate menu, and the Solution, Residuals, Arrays, and Integral Table menu items for each of the 10 EES files included in the Distributable program.

Version 7.025 01/28/04
Link buttons placed on the Diagram window allow a number of capabilities including the ability to start other applications or EES programs, initiate macros, open child windows or load Lookup tables. The top and left position of the link button can now be specified with EES variables. A link button can be hidden during application mode by specifying its location to be off-screen.

Version 7.020 01/18/04
Graphical and text items in the Diagram window now have a Hide attribute. The Hide attribute can be set with an EES variable. For example, Ball.Hide=true# will hide the graphical object named Ball when the Diagram window is in Application mode. The hide capability is useful for animation.

Version 7.019 01/15/04
If Warnings are enabled and if there are fewer than 80 simultaneous equations in the block being solved, EES will attempt to calculate the condition number of the Jacobian matrix used to determine the solution to the equations. The condition number is the ratio of the largest to the smallest eigenvalue in this matrix. A large value of the condition number indicates that the equations may be singular and if so, a warning will be issued if the warnings are enabled with the $Warnings ON directive or the Warnings checkbox in the Preferences menu. The default value for the maximum condition number is 1E7. If EES displays a singularity warning, you should carefully check the equations in the block identified in the warning message. This is most easily done by examining the Residuals window. If there is no problem, you should increase the size of the condition number test value in the Stop Criteria menu (Options menu) so that the warning does not occur. Note that calculating the condition number necessarily slows the solution process. If speed is an issue, turn warnings off.

Version 7.014 01/09/04
A Copy Table with Headers menu item has been added to the Edit menu and to the popup menu that appears when the right mouse button is clicked within a window containing a table. The Copy Table with Headers command copies the column name and units, in addition to the selected data, to the clipboard.

Version 7.008 01/04/04
The Random function can now be used in the main body of an EES program.

The Call ERROR procedure will now quietly stop without displaying any error messages if an empty string is provided as its argument.

The Make Distributable capability in the Professional version will save constants in the executable file. A separate constants.txt file is no longer required.

Version 7.000 01/01/04
Version 7 provides animation capabilities to the Professional version. Graphical objects and text placed on the Diagram or child Diagram windows can have attributes such as size, position, rotation angle, and color, that are determined by the values of EES variables. These attributes can change during a calculation using the Parametric or Integral table. The changes will be displayed on the Diagram windows in an flicker-free manner. The animation capabilities are controlled by an animation control bar in the Diagram window that provides Start, Stop, Step, Loop and speed controls. In addition, plots can be animated with a red circle that shows the current value of a plotted quantity allowing a direct coupling of graphics in the Diagram window to calculated quanitities. See the on-line help for details on how to invoke the animation capabilities. Animations can only be created by the Professional version, but once created, they can be displayed in any version of EES, including distributable programs. The animation capabilities can be seen in the animation examples, accessible from the Examples menu item in the Help menu. A number of new functions have been added to support the animation capabilities including:

RGB(red,green,blue) returns a color number based on its red, green, and blue components, each between 0 and 255. The fill and line color of objects drawn on the Diagram window can be assigned to this color.

DIAGRAMHEIGHT#(name) and DIAGRAMWIDTH#(name) return the height and width of the Diagram window with the specified name. The main Diagram window is named 'main'.

LOOP# returns the number of loops (or restarts) that have occurred in an animation. Looping can be useful for solving some types of dynamic steady-state problem, independent of animation.

PIXELSPERINCH# returns the number of pixels per inch in the Diagram and other EES windows.

Graphical objects that are pasted into EES from other programs, such as PowerPoint, can be made transparent. Their positions on the Diagram window can be locked so that accidental movement does not occur while in the Development mode.

Version 6.961 12/03/03
The Reset Guesses menu item in the Calculate menu reset the lower and upper bounds of a variable as well as the guess value to the defaults. Now only the guess values are reset. The limits can be reset to their default values using the Reset Limits commands.

Version 6.958 11/23/03
The axis scale of an existing plot line can be changed from the left to the and existing or new right axis scale by selecting the Modify Plot command or right-clicking on the plot and the clicking the Y2 button in the Y-axis box of the Modify Plot dialog.

Version 6.955 11/21/03
String variables can now be filled into a specified range of rows in the Parametric and Lookup tables by clicking on the triagular icon in the column row header.

Version 6.953 11/16/03
A column in any of the tables can be moved to a new position by dragging its header cell (top row) with the left mouse button to a new location.

Version 6.952 11/16/03
Unit conversion information for magnetic fields (Weber, Tesla, Gauss, Oersted) have been added.

Version 6.945 11/10/03
A Sort button is provided in the upper left corner of the Arrays Table. Clicking the Sort button will arrange the columns in the Arrays Table into alphabetical order. Note that a column can be moved to any position by right-clicking on the column name and changing the column position number.

Version 6.943 11/07/03
The optimization (Min/Max) routine will no longer consider as a potential optimum a solution for which the residuals are not all within tolerance. If one or more of the equations have not converged within the specified tolerances during any trial point, an error condition will be raised. If the Stop on Error check box is not checked, the optimization algorithm will proceed, but the objective function obtained for the constrained point will be ignored.

Version 6.940 11/03/03
The number of calculated variables that can be considered in an Uncertainty Analysis calculation has been raised from one to 12. The X-Y plot allows error bars to be displayed for both calculated and measured variables.

Version 6.935 10/27/03
The number of characters that can be entered into the Equations window of the Professional version has been increased from 320 kBytes to 640 kBytes.

Version 6.933 10/25/03
Right-clicking on the tab in Parametric or Lookup table windows brings up a dialog window that allows properties for the selected table to be entered. This dialog now provides a Save button that allows the data in the table to be saved to an external text file with or without column headings. This capability provides a convenient way to export data from a table to another application.

Version 6.925 10/13/03
Equations that are placed between the $DOLAST and $ENDDOLAST directives are compiled and executed after all of the other calculations are completed. The capability to control the order in which equations are executed is seldom needed since EES automatically orders the equations to provide the most efficient calculation. However, EES attempts to compile all equations before the calculations begin. Some equations, such as those involving a Duplicate statement cannot be compiled unless the limits are known apriori. In some cases, information such as the limits can be calculated and then used in further calculations. The $DOLAST directive is useful in these situations. Another applications of the $DOLAST directive would be to set the limits of an Integral function or to allow Uncertainty Propagation calculations with independent variables that have not been set to constants.

Version 6.924 10/12/03
The units of constants appearing in the Equations window are specified by placing the units within brackets after the value. This capability now is applicable to algebraic expressions involving constants within parentheses. For example, entering: X=(1/16)[in]*Convert(in, m) in the Equations window will not generate a unit check warning provided that the units of X are set to [m].

Version 6.907 09/28/03
An EES Instant Update menu item has been added to the Help menu to facilitate obtaining a new version of EES from the F-Chart Software server. Note that you must have an internet connection and a current subscription to Instant Update service to download a new version. This command will exit EES as this is necessary to install the new version.

Version 6.905 09/26/03
If an output step size is not provided with the integration variable in the $IntegralTable directive, EES will now display the specified quantities at every timestep. If an automatic step size is used, the output step size may vary from row to row in the Integral Table.

Version 6.900 09/20/03
The SIGN(X) function returns the sign of its argument.

Version 6.890 09/08/03
The Solution window provides a tabbed window for Key Variables. Key variables are designated in the Variable Information dialog or in the Format Variable dialog that appears when you right-click on a variable in the Solution window. The Key variable display shows variables one per line followed by an optional comment. The order of appearance of the variables can be changed by dragging a variable to the desired location.

Version 6.869 08/14/03
Functions P_sat and T_sat have been implemented to return, respectively, the saturation vapor pressure and saturation temperature of a real fluid. These functions provide the same information as the corresponding pressure and temperature functions, but eliminate the need to specify a quality.

Version 6.868 08/14/03
A new way of scaling an existing plot has been implemented. As the mouse cursor passes over an axis of the plot, its appearance will change to a left-right or up-down arrow. Holding the left mouse button down at this point will allow the axis to be dragged to a new location.

Version 6.866 08/08/03
High quality property data for n-Heptane have been implemented.

Version 6.864 08/07/03
A landscape option has been added to the Latex/PDF output.

Version 6.860 08/01/03
High quality property data for SF6 have been implemented.

Version 6.857 07/30/03
High quality property data for n-Octane and R143a have been implemented.

Version 6.843 07/15/03
The step-size can be optionally supplied for equation-based integrals. Formerly, the step-size was required to be a constant. However, it can vary during the course of the integration. This capability allows, for example, the user to provide a function in which the step-size is small at the start of the integration but increases as the integration proceeds.

Version 6.837 07/11/03
A Paste Special button is has been placed in the upper left cell of the Lookup Tables. This button allows column names and units to be pasted from the clipboard, in addition to data in the table.

Version 6.831 07/02/03
The installation file provides an option to "Install 3D plotting capability". The version of EES with 3D plotting uses advanced capabilities on the video card and may not work with some video drivers. If EES does not start properly on your computer, reinstall it and uncheck the Install 3D plotting capability.

Version 6.818 06/12/03
Approximate property data for FC72 are implemented.
The 3D graphics routines have been restored.

Version 6.812 05/31/03
Help files for external programs can now be supplied as .PDF files in addition to the .HLP and .HTM files that were previously accepted. A Kelvin function library is provided as EES external functions in the Userlib folder.

Version 6.811 05/31/03
High accuracy property data for ethanol have been added to the property data base.

Version 6.806 05/24/03
An option is provided in the Professional version to display plots and objects in the plot window one at a time to provide an animated display. Open the Animation.EES file in the USERLIB\Examples folder to view an animiated plot. Each frame in the animation is separately saved when the Plot window Save command is issued. The separate plot window files can be used to produce a movie.

Version 6.799 05/15/03
An option to log results of an optimization calculation to a disk file is provided in the Professional version.

Version 6.796 05/11/03
The $IF directive can now test a string constant, in addition to keywords such as PARAMETRICTABLE, MIN/MAX, DIAGRAMWINDOW, and TABLERUN#. For example, let X$ be a string variable that has been set to a string constant. The following lines will result in variable Y being set to 3 if X$ = 'abc'; otherwise Y = 5. X$ must be set in the Equations Window or the Diagram Window before the $IF directive is encountered.
$IF X$='abc'

Version 6.793 05/09/03
A splitter bar in the Equations window is provided in the Professional version. The splitter bar allows the Equations window to be viewed in two windows, making it easier to work with large files. The line continuation indicator in the Equations Window has been changed from a red > to a more subtle two-dot symbol (..).

Version 6.786 05/01/03
Selected columns in the Arrays Table can be hidden by right-clicking on the column header and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu. In the Properties dialog, set the format style type to be Hidden.

Version 6.781 04/26/03
A working directory can be specified in a shortcut file that is used to start EES. The working directory may differ from the diectory in which the EES application exists. When started EES will look for the EES.PRF file in the working file and automatically load it, thereby loading user preferences. The UNITS.TXT, CONSTANTS.TXT and additions to the USERLIB folder can also reside in the working directory.

Version 6.780 04/22/03
The Professional version can now accomodate problems with up to 12,000 variables (up from 10,000). In addition, a genetic method has been added to the available optimization algorithms in the Professional version. The genetic method is very robust albeit slow.

Version 6.777 04/19/03
Clicking on the line button in the Diagram window tool bar allows a single line to be drawn. If you want do draw several lines in sucession without having to click the line button for each one, hold the right mouse down while clicking the left mouse button on the line button. When you are done drawing lines, click the left mouse button on the toolbar line button or press the Esc key.

Version 6.774 04/12/03
The progress dialog that appears during calculations initiated with the Min/Max command displays both the current and the best values of the independent variables.

Version 6.772 04/10/03
Directives appearing in the Equations window are shown in teal font color. Equations that are not in effect due to conditional logic (i.e., the $IF/IFNOT directives) are shown in gray font color . These equations are now also listed in the Formatted Equations window.

Version 6.767 04/07/03
The Equations Window and Report Window (Professional version) provide a yellow background to highlight selected text. Highlighting in the Equations Window is controlled by the menu that appears when the right mouse button is clicked.

Version 6.765 04/05/03
Dash-dot and thick dash-dot lines have been added to the existing types of lines that can be shown in the plots.

Version 6.762 04/03/03
Property function T_Triple returns the triple point temperature for the specified fluid.

Version 6.760 04/01/03
The popup menu that appears in the Equations window when right mouse button is pressed now offers a menu item that places comment quotes (instead of braces) around the selected text.

Version 6.757 03/29/03
Multiple Calculate buttons can be placed on the Diagram window and configured to do different tasks, i.e., Solve, Solve Table, etc. in conjunction with the $IF/$IFNOT directive.

Version 6.754 03/27/03
The position and size of the Calculate, Link, and Help buttons on the Diagram window can be specified in their respective dialogs that appear when you right click on the button while the Diagram window is in Development mode.

Version 6.752 03/24/03
The ability to play an audio-visual file, such as a movie, in the Diagram window has been added. The movie can be added only in the Professional version, although once added, it can be viewed in all EES versions.

Version 6.745 03/12/03
EES normally stops when an error occurs while solving a Parametric table. A control has been added to the Solve Table dialog to allow calculations for remaining rows in the table to continue.

Version 6.742 03/09/03
A checkbox has been added to the Min/Max dialog that allows calculations to continue when the objective function cannot be evaluated with the current independent variables. This new capability increases the likelihood of finding an optimum solution.

Version 6.739 03/05/03
The $IF/IFNOT directive recognizes keyword DIAGRAMWINDOW. Conditional compilation can be done based on the visibility of the Diagram window.

Version 6.728 02/23/03
Access to the Report window is permitted in Distributable programs. In a Distributable, the Report Window is updated with current values of EES variables, but it otherwise set to be read only.

Version 6.725 02/21/03
Pressing the left and right arrow keys in the Plot Window displays the previous or next plot, respectively, provided a text or graphic item is not selected. If an item is selected, the arrow keys move the item by one pixel.

Version 6.721 02/16/03
The Professional version allows the location and size of figures, text, and hot areas placed on the main or child Diagram windows to be specified with numerical values or with EES variables. Using EES variables allows programatic control over the figures, text, and hot areas. A logical use for this capability is to show one of several figures while hiding the others based on the selection from a drop-down list. Figures are hidden by setting their location to a negative value that is off of the screen. An example illustrating this capability is provided in the file Moveable_Figures.ees in the EES Userlib\Examples folder. This file can be accessed from the Examples menu by selecting Diagram Window and then Moveable Figures and Text in the Diagram Window.

Version 6.716 02/08/03
Distributable programs created with the Professional version can now include up to 10 EES files.

Version 6.715 02/06/03
Math function FLOOR has been added.

Version 6.705 01/23/03
The thermodynamic and transport property data for propane, isobutane and n-butane have been changed to agree with recently published data. Literature citations for the references used in the correlations are available using the Function Info command in the Options menu.

Version 6.700 01/17/03
The Run macro command is available for the Professional version. A macro file can include a Run Program command to start an external program.

A Report Window is provided in the Professional version. The Report Window operates just like a word processor offering the usual choice of fonts, font sizes, text style, sub and superscripts, color, tabs, left and right indents, etc. Graphics can be pasted into the window. The graphics can be equations copied from the Formatted Equations window, a plot from the Plot window, or any graphics in the Diagram window. Graphics can also be pasted from other applications. In addition, the Report Window can include EES variables that are automatically updated as their values change.

The transport property correlations for R123 have been improved by implementing the Tanaka and Sontani correlations.

Version 6.685 01/03/03
The $IF and $IFNOT directives allow selective exclusion of equations. A common use is to eliminate the need to comment out equations that define variables that are also defined in a Parametric table. When more than one Parametric table exists, the $IF and $IFNOT commands allow each table to use a different set of equations. The Solve Table command can be issued to solve all tables without having to change any equations. See the online help for details.

Version 6.679 12/27/02
The viscosity data for R134a has been improved using a new correlation from A. Laesecke at NIST - Boulder.

Version 6.671 12/21/02
You perhaps have experienced situations in which it has been necessary to provide improved guess values to allow EES to converge to the desired solution. It has been found that the convergence capabilities can often be enhanced by reformulating equations into algebraically equivalent forms, thus reducing the dependence on the guess value. EES now does this automatically, provided that the Use Enhanced Convergence Techniques check box is selected in the Options page of the Preferences dialog.

Version 6.666 12/15/02
The Unit System and Tolerances dialogs have been merged into the Preferences dialog. A preferences button is available from the startup splash screen for new or multiple users to make it more convenient to set individual default preferences. The Hello.EES program that provided this list of new features is no longer used. The new feature list is accessed from the New Features menu item in the Help menu.

Version 6.661 12/10/02
An optional /T can be used with the $EXPORT directive so that only results for the last run in a Parametric Table are exported. Without the /T, the variables in the $EXPORT command are exported for each run in the table.

Version 6.660 12/09/02
Preference files having a .prf filename extension store user preferences such as the default unit system, stop criteria and other user preferences. A preferences file can be loaded using the Load button in the Preferences dialog or with a $Include xxx.prf directive in the Equations window. The Store button in the Unit System, Stop Criteria, and Preferences dialog creates and stores a .prf file in a specified location. The default .prf file is EES.prf which is loaded when EES is started if it is found in the directory that EES is started from.

Version 6.650 11/25/02
Bookmarks now appear in alphabetical order.

Version 6.646 11/17/02
Major changes have been made in the units checking. The units of numerical constants appearing in the Equations window can now be set by appending the units to the constant, surrounded with brackets. For example, the equation P_4=101.3 [kPa] sets a numerical constant with units of kPa and assigns this constant to variable P_4. Units can no longer be set with comment statements. They may be set with the Solution window or the Variable Information dialog. Units information may be provided in a comment statement for documentation purposes, but it is not used by EES. The Formatted Equations window now provides options to display units with constants and/or variables. Right click on the Formatted Equations window to bring up a popup menu from which these options may be selected.

Version 6.636 10/31/02
Unit checking is now made for the parameters provided to a function. The function of the $CHECKUNITS directive has been changed. It is now possible to turn off unit checking for selected equations using the $CHECKUNITS Off directive. $CHECKUNITS On restores the unit checking capability. See the online help for details.

Version 6.626 10/16/02
The Units List eliminates the need to key in unit strings. The Units List is accessed by right clicking in the Equations window, Solution Window, Variable Information diag, table header cell. Unit strings are stored in .UNT files that can be customized by the user. See the online help for details.

Version 6.622 10/06/02
The requirement that Functions, Procedures, Subprograms and Modules that call one another be entered in a particular order has been removed. For example, It is now possible to have Function A refer to Subprogram B which is entered below it.

Version 6.616 9/30/02
The indices of array variables and Duplicate loop limits can now be set in the Parametric table. For example, it is possible to run a Parametric table to solve equations that include a Duplicate statement of the form: Duplicate i=1,N if the value of N is set in the Parametric table.

Version 6.610 9/21/02
The Solve Table command in the Professional version will accept either numerical values for the start and stop rows or EES variables having values that hold these quantities. The start and stop rows can then be entered in the Diagram window thereby allowing the use to control which runs are calculated in the Parametric table. The DegreeDays example file uses this capability.

Version 6.608 9/19/02
A double-dot can be placed above a variable name by appending _ddot, e.g., X_ddot.

Version 6.604 9/15/02
The integral of a line that has been plotted can be automatically calculated and displayed as a text item by selecting the Integral button while adding text to a plot. Use the Text button on the Plot tool bar to add text to the plot.

Version 6.593 9/02/02
The 255 character limitation for EES equations has been removed.

Version 6.591 8/30/02
The width of bars in barplots can be altered by double-clicking on the plot (or selecting the Modify Plot command) and manipulating the slider bar.

Versions 6.585 8/25/02
Right-clicking in the header cell of a table column brings up a pop-up menu with Properties as one of the menu choices. Selecting Properties will now display the Sum, Average, and Std. Deviation of the values in the selected column, in addition to the units, format, and other information related to the column.

Version 6.581 8/19/02
The $Bookmark directive provides a means of quickly moving to selected locations in the Equations and Formatted Equations windows. The bookmarks can be accessed from the lower part of the Search menu and the popup menu that appears when the right mouse button is pressed. Several bookmarks have been added to this file, for illustration.

Version 6.575 8/05/02
The $TABSTOPS directive allows up to 5 tab stop positions to be set. These tab positions affect the appearance of text in the Equations window. In addition,up to 5 default tab stop positions can be set in the Equations tab of the Preferences dialog in the Options menu. The $TABSTOPS directive overrides the setting made in the Preferences dialog. The $TABWIDTH directive is superceded by the $TABSTOPS directive, but it is still accepted.

Version 6.573 8/04/02
Previously, error bars could be drawn on plots only for variables involved in the Uncertainty Propagation Table command. Now, error bars can be placed on any plot by clicking on the X-axis or Y-axis check box in the Error Bars box of the Modify Plot dialog. The Modify Plot dialog is presented when the user right-clicks in the plot rectangle or when Modify Plot is selected from the Plot menu.

Version 6.568 7/29/02
Property data for Deuterium have been implemented.

Version 6.566 7/27/02
Functions SUMLOOKUP and AVGLOOKUP have been added.

Version 6.564 7/25/02
Functions SUMPARAMETRIC and AVGPARAMETRIC have been added to sum or average the values in all or selected rows in a specified column of a specified Parametric Table. The online help provides the syntax for these functions.

Version 6.561 7/19/02
The Solution window is accessible after the Solve command is issued even if the solution is not attained. In this case, however, some variables are not evaluated. The variables that are not evaluated are now shown in gray color in the Solutions window.

Version 6.552 6/27/02
If EES is launched from the command line with the /NOSPLASH parameter, the splash screen will be skipped, as in the following example: C:\EES32\EES.exe C:\EES32\HELLO.ees /NOSPLASH

Version 6.547 6/21/02
A short (up to 255 character) description of the contents of a plot window plot to be entered in the Plot Setup dialog. The description can be printed with the plot.

Version 6.543 6/19/02
A Calculator window has been added, accessed from the Windows menu. The Calculator window evaluates one-line expressions involving numbers, existing EES variables or any of the built-in functions. See the online help for details.

Version 6.538 6/12/02
Variable information can be used to set the units and display format of variables in internal Functions and Procedures, in addition to those in Modules, Subprograms, and the Main Program.

Version 6.533 6/06/02
Error messages that are displayed when EES cannot converge to a solution have been improved and linked to Variable Information for the variables that are causing the convergence problems.

Version 6.530 5/29/02
EES plots can now be saved in a separate file in bitmap (*.bmp), jpeg (.jpg), picture (*.wmf) or enhanced metafile (*.emf) formats by right-clicking on the plot tab and then clicking the Save button.

Version 6.527 5/25/02
Text items placed in the plot windows can contain up to 240 characters (previously 80) and have more than one font applied to selected parts. A single text item can also span multiple lines. The formatting is facilitated by speed buttons in the Format Text dialog that appears when you double click or right click on a text item in the plot window.

Version 6.516 5/11/02
Tabs on the plot and table windows can be given a background color by right-clicking on the tab.

Version 6.514 5/08/02
A line of descriptive text with up to 255 characters can be entered for each plot window and for each Parametric and Lookup table by right-clicking on the tab at the top of the window. The text can optionally be printed when the table or plot is printed.

Version 6.504 4/28/02
The Windows menu now provides submenus for the Plot window and for the Parametric and Lookup tables if more than one plot or table is contained in the window. $Bookmark Version 6.501

Version 6.501 and 6.502 4/23/02
The operation of the Variable Information dialog has been changed. Calculated values of variables were displayed in place of the guess values if the value was previously determined. Now the guess value is always displayed. However, right clicking in the Guess column will change the display from Guess values to current values. Provisions have been made to copy cells in this dialog to other cells more easily. For example, a 'drag box', similar to that used in EXCEL has been implemented to allow the contents of a cell to be copied to a range of cells above or below it. See the online help for details.

Version 6.498 4/18/02
Right-clicking on the row column in a Parametric or Lookup table will bring up a popup menu that allows rows in the table to be inserted or deleted. It is now possible to control the number of rows that are inserted by selecting the number that you wish to insert. Selection of rows can be made by holding the mouse button down and dragging it to a new position in the row column.

Version 6.497 4/17/02
After calculations are completed, selecting a variable in the Equations window will cause its value and units to be displayed in a 'hint' window below the cursor. The variable can be easily selected by double-clicking. This capability makes it unnecessary to refer to the Solutions window to determine values of EES variables.

Version 6.490 4/09/02
Thermodynamic and transport properties for cyclohexane have been added.

Version 6.489 4/07/02
The 'hot area' that brings up a child Diagram window when it receives a mouse click can be moved with arrow keys in development mode if the Ctrl-Shift keys are depressed and the mouse cursor is positioned in the red-dotted rectangle that displays the boundary of the hot area.

Version 6.485 4/04/02
Unit checking for selected equations can be disabled in the Residuals window or in the Check Units window by right-clicking on the equation and selecting Disable Unit Checking from the pop-up menu.

Version 6.480 3/30/02
Differentiate1 and Differentiate2 commands have been added that use linear and quadratic interpolation, respectively, in estimating a derivative.

Version 6.476 3/26/02
Tabs can now be set in the Diagram window formatted paragraph text. The width of this text can be set to grow or shrink with the width of the Diagram window.

Version 6.467 3/18/02
Property data for HFE7100 have been added.

Version 6.461 3/11/02
Units raised to a fractional power are now recognized, e.g., [ft^(2/3)]

Version 6.454 3/01/02
The GAMMA_ function has been added as a built_in mathematical function.

Version 6.450 2/23/02
The uncertainty values used in the Uncertainty Propagation and Uncertainty Propagation Table commands can now be supplied as numerical constants or as EES variables. In the Uncertainty Propagation Table command, the EES variable must have specified values appearing in the Parametric table.

Version 6.446 2/20/02
The Uncertainty function has been renamed to UncertaintyOf and its capabilities have been improved.

Version 6.444 2/18/02
The Warnings menu item in the Windows menu will produce a display of all warnings issued during the last calculation.

Version 6.440 2/15/02
The % of uncertainty in a calculated variable resulting from the uncertainty in each measured variable is displayed in the Solution window after the Uncertainty Propagation or Uncertainty Propagation Table calculations are completed.

Version 6.430 2/2/02
The units of an external function can be set, as in the following simple example. Function TK(TC) TK=TC+273.15 "[K]" end Function TK can be saved in a .LIB file in the USERLIB directory. It will be read in automatically when EES is started. When called, the function will return a value having units of K. The Solid/Liquid property functions use this capability.

Version 6.425 1/28/02
Substance Ice provides the same properties as Steam, Steam_NBS, Water and R718 except that it will return the state corresponding to a lower temperature when two solutions are possible, as in the following example. T_ice=temperature(Ice,v=1.088e-3,x=0) {T_ice=-16.85 [C]} T_steam=temperature(Steam,v=1.088e-3,x=0) {T_steam=147.8 [C]}

Version 6.424 1/28/02
The tab spacing in the Equations and Formatted Equations windows can be changed in the Preference dialog (Equations tab) or with the $TabWidth directive.

Version 6.423 01/24/02
Substance Steam will return properties for ice for temperatures below 273.15 and pressures above the saturation vapor pressure of ice. Note that substance Steam_IAPWS will not provide ice properties.

Version 6.421 01/22/02
A Retry button and other improvements have been added to the Curve Fit dialog for a user-entered functional form.

Version 6.419 01/21/02
Property data for refrigerant R-508B (DuPont SUVA 95) have been implemented.

Version 6.418 01/20/02
The Unit System dialog provides additional options when SI units are selected. Pressure can be in Pa, kPa, bar, or MPa units. Energy units can be in Joules or kJoules.

Version 6.412 01/10/02
In the Professional version, the information in drop-down lists that appear in the Diagram window can be read from a file.

Version 6.410 01/01/02
Psychrometric charts produced with the Property Plot command now offer the option of constant specific volume lines.

Version 6.406 12/21/01
The default reference state for R134a has been set to the ASHRAE reference. Steam_IAPWS is now accessible in the academic version. $Bookmark Version 6.402

Version 6.402 12/16/01
Fluids R22, R134a, Ammonia, and Propane have been renamed to R22_old, R134a_old, Ammonia_old, and Propane_old, respectively. Fluids R22_ha, R134a_ha, Ammonia_ha, and Propane_ha have been renamed to R22, R134a, Ammonia, and Propane, respectively. This change now results in the high accuracy property formulation for these fluids being the default. R717 is equivalent to Ammonia, and R290 is equivalent to Propane. The $Reference directive allows the reference state for enthalpy and entropy for fluids with properties determined using the high accuracy equation of state to be set. See the Fluid Property Information in the online help to determine which fluids are represented by high accuracy equations of state. The available settings are DFT (default), NBP (set enthalpy and entropy to 0 for saturated liquid at the normal boiling point), ASH (set enthalpy and entropy to 0 for saturated liquid at -40°C (°F)) and IIR (set enthalpy=200 kJ/kg and entropy=1 kJ/kg-K for saturated liquid at 273.15 K). See the online help for $Reference for more details.

Version 6.395 12/10/01
Holding the Shift and Ctrl keys down while the cursor is positioned on a plot produced with the Property Plot command now shows all thermodynamic properties corresponding to the state at the cursor position in the window caption. The OverlayPlot and NewPlot Macro commands can specify SymbolSize The PropertyPlot macro command allows the pressure to be specified for psychrometric plots.

Version 6.386 12/01/01
The Print command can now select individual tabbed Solution windows for printing.

Version 6.385 11/30/01
The unit checking algorithms will now accept units raised to fractional powers, e.g., [K^0.5]"

Version 6.384 11/29/01
Units in Functions and Procedures in the Solution window are shown in alphabetical order.

Version 6.380 11/26/01
Unit checking will now occur for equations in Functions and Procedures. Units for variables in Functions and Procedures can be entered either as a comment in the Equations window or by right-clicking on the variable in the Solution window. Note that the variables in Functions and Procedures will not be displayed in the Solution window unless the "Show Function/Procedure/Module values" checkbox in the Options tab of the Preferences dialog is enabled or a $LOCAL ON directive appears in the Equations window.

Version 6.374 11/17/01
The speed button bar below the menus now provides a button to access the Residuals window. If Automatic unit checking is set in the Preferences dialog or with the $CHECKUNITS directive, the Solution window will indicate the number of equations that fail the unit checking test. The Residuals window will display a column indicating whether the units for each equation check. Right clicking on an equation in the Residual window will bring up a popup menu. One of the menu options is to display the message from the unit checking processor.

Version 6.370 11/13/01
The $CHECKUNITS ON/OFF overrides the automatic unit checking setting in the General tab of the Preferences dialog.

Version 6.361 11/04/01
The Convert function will accept unit groups in parentheses raised to a power, as in the following: X=convert((m/s)^2,kJ/kg)

Version 6.353 10/27/01
A dot, bar or hat can be placed over a selected character(s) on plot text items. The procedure is to first select the character(s) and then press and hold the symbol speed button while sliding the mouse to the X_dot, X_bar or X_hat symbol in this pop-up palette.

Version 6.351 10/23/01
Fugacity has been added to the built-in thermophysical properties functions.

Version 6.346 10/17/01
High accuracy thermodynamic and transport property data for xenon have been implemented.

Version 6.343 10/15/01
High accuracy thermodynamic and transport data for air have been implemented. In the two-phase region, the saturation temperature of air varies with quality at a given pressure.

Version 6.342 10/11/01
High accuracy thermodynamic and transport property data for R125 (pentafluoroethane) have been implemented.

Version 6.337 10/03/01
The $SumRow On/Off directive allows the visibility of the sum row in Parametric tables to be controlled from the Equations window. The values in the sum row can now be copied to the clipboard.

Version 6.330 9/22/01
Latex Solution and Table windows can now display background colors.

Version 6.310 8/26/01
The $Private directive has been implemented to prevent external routines from been seen from in the Function Information dialog. The online-help provides details.

Version 6.303 8/18/01
A column of strings from the Parametric, Lookup or Arrays table can be selected as the X-axis variable for X-Y and bar plots. The X-axis will then display the strings rather than numerical values. $Bookmark Version 6.300

Version 6.300 8/15/01
Surface tension correlations have been implemented for blends R404A, R407C, R410A, and R507C.

Version 6.298 8/14/01
The Uncertainty Propagation dialog has been modified to allow additional variables to be included as "Measured" variables. See the on-line help for details.

Version 6.295 8/11/01
The Interpolate2D function provides interpolation as function of two independent variables using a radial basis functions. Details are available in the on-line help. An example is provided in the Interpolate function menu item of the Examples menu.

Version 6.294 8/08/01
Transport property data for Helium have been extended and improved.

Version 6.290 8/05/01
Right-clicking the tab on Lookup and Parametric table windows displays a dialog with table properties. A duplicate button has been added to this dialog to facilitate making copies of tables.

Version 6.284 7/28/01
$Include directives may be used in drop-down string lists in the Diagram Input to selectively add EES equations that depend on a user choice. This capability eliminates the 255 character limitation on the number of equations that can be entered from the Diagram window. An example titled "Using the Diagram Input capability with $Include files" is available from the Examples menu with the Diagram Window menu item.

Version 6.280 7/27/01
The New Parametric Table dialog now provides a check box to show or hide array variables from the list of variables that can be selected to include in the table.

Version 6.277 7/24/01
SoundSpeed has been implemented for substances Water, Steam, and Steam_NBS.

Version 6.274 7/22/01
Warnings are issued if the Interpolate, Interpolate1, or Interpolate2 functions are applied to extrapolate data. The warning message list is cleared during each iteration so that warning generated as a consequence of intermediate results are no longer displayed. The LookupCellEmpty function has been implemented.

Version 6.270 7/19/01
The Function Information command now provides a Solid/Liquid properties button to allow more convenient access to the temperature-dependent properties of solids and liquids implemented in the Solid-Liquid library package.

Version 6.265 7/13/01
Controls are now provided to show or hide array variables in the Min/Max dialog.

Version 6.262 7/10/01
Array range notation with variable limits is now supported in Function and Procedure header statement. For example, EES accepts, Function TEST(n, X[1..n], y) In this case n is assigned a default MAXIMUM value of 100. The calling program must provide the maximum or fewer elements in the array. To increase the maximum, change the n in 1..n to the desired maximum. See the online help under Array Range Notation for details.

Version 6.260 7/08/01
Formatted text can be placed in the Diagram and Child Diagram windows in the Professional version. Formatted text can include paragraphs or tables copied from other applications. EES variable information can be inserted into the formatted text item. See the online-help and the example file in the Diagram menu item of the Examples menu for details.

Version 6.254 7/01/01
The algorithms invoked with the Check Units command can now evaluate equations that have variables raised to fractional powers.

Version 6.252 6/29/01
Richardson extrapolation is now optionally provided for integration with a fixed step size. The option can be set on the Integration tab of the Tolerances dialog in the Options menu. The on-line help provides additional information.

Version 6.247 6/17/01
Property function ACENTRICFACTOR requires one argument which is the name of the fluid. It returns the acentric factor for that fluid.

Version 6.245 6/16/01
Copying and pasting large amounts of data to any of the EES tables was previously very slow. This problem has now been rectified.

Version 6.243-4 6/14/01
The temperature range for the ideal gas transport properties of air, H2, O2, N2, CO2, CO, and CH4 have been extended.

Version 6.239 6/09/01
Data in the Parametric and Lookup tables can be sorted in ascending or descending order by right-clicking in the column header cell and selecting Sort from the pop-up menu.

Version 6.235 5/30/01
The $LOCALVARIABLES ON/OFF directive controls the display of local variables (in Functions, Procedurses, Modules, and Subprograms) in the Solution and Residuals windows. This directive overrides the setting in the Preferences dialog.

Version 6.234 5/29/01
It is now possible for a Function or Procedure to call a Subprogram. A Subprogram is a stand-alone EES routine that can be accessed with the CALL statement. Functions and Procedures can use logic statements. The ability of Functions/Procedures to call a Subprogram increases the range of problem types that EES can solve. See the online help for details.

Version 6.231 5/26/01
In the Residuals window, bold block numbers are used to identify equations that were not solved to the specfied tolerance.

Version 6.226 5/22/01
Ideal gas property data for C2H5OH (ethanol) have been implemented.

Version 6.224 5/21/01
3-D plotting has been implemented for the Professional and academic versions. See the online help (topic X-Y-Z plot) for details.

Version 6.220 5/14/01
An option to specify specific pages or a page range has been implemented in the Print dialog. Text and objects drawn (or imported) in a Plot window can be copied to the Plot window of another instance of EES. Objects (e.g, lines, boxes, pictures) can be copied to/from the Diagram windows.

Version 6.218 5/12/01
When using the Uncertainty Table command, the sum row in the Parametric table will display the uncertainty of the summed values which is the square root of the sum of the squared uncertainty values from each row.

Version 6.213 5/03/01
The Modify Plot dialog now permits the size of major and minor ticks in Plot windows to be changed.

Version 6.212 4/29/01 and 02/20/02
An UNCERTAINTYOF function has been implemented to return the specified or calculated uncertainty for the variable provided as the argument to the function. For example, RUX=UncertaintyOF('X')/X will set the value of RUX to the relative uncertainty for variable X. The UNCERTAINTYOF function will return a non-zero value only when the Uncertainty Propagation or Uncertainty Propagation Table commands (Calculate Menu) are used.

Version 6.210 4/26/01
It was necessary to change the calling parameters of the .DLF and .DLP external routines so that these types of dynamic link library files can be written in C++ (which no longer supports the long double format). All of the .DLF and .DLP files in the USERLIB folder have been updated. You will have to modify any .DLF or .DLP files you have composed. See the on-line help for External Functions and External Procedures for details.

Version 6.209 4/24/01
A Library Manager has been implemented in the Professional version. The Library Manager controls which files are automatically loaded from the USERLIB folder when EES is started. Access to the Library Manager is from the Function Info command by pressing the Auto Load button when either EES Library Routines or External Routines is selected.

Version 6.208 4/22/01
Circles and rectangles that are drawn on the plot or diagram windows can now be transparent.

Version 6.205 4/19/01
In some situations, it is necessary to fill a column in then Lookup or Parametric table with values having a pattern of some type. For example, you may wish to enter 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the first 5 rows of the column and then repeat these values in the next five rows and so on down the table. Alternatively, you may wish to enter 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 in the first 5 rows followed by 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 in the next five rows and so on. The capability to enter these pattern types is now provided in the dialog that appears when you click on the triangular icon in the upper right corner of the column header cell. $Bookmark Version 6.200

Version 6.200 4/12/01
Examples are now accessible from the Examples Menu. You can remove this menu by moving the Examples folder out of the USERLIB folder.

Version 6.194 4/04/01
A plot can be duplicated by right-clicking on the tab at the top of the window. A dialog window appears with a duplicate button. The duplicate plot provides an easy way to create a plot template so that all of your plots have the same appearance.

Version 6.186 3/26/01
Integral tables can now be created in the LaTeX/PDF report.

Version 6.185 3/24/01
If a single file contains multiple EES library or external routines, that file will appear as an expandable folder in the Function Info dialog window, making it easier to locate the routine and access its information. For example, the 90 functions and procedures appearing in the SETP.LIB file (supporting the Solar Energy Thermal Processes textbook by J.A. Duffie and W.A. Beckman) appears as a single folder item in the list until it is expanded.

Version 6.184 3/22/01
Help for external functions and procedures loaded at startup or manually with the Load Library command is now provided in the Help menu.

Version 6.181 3/20/01
Thermophysical properties (density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, viscosity, and volumetric coefficient of expansion) as a function of temperature for many substances are now provided in the ThermoPhysical_Prop.lib library file. For example, the density and specific heat of copper at 300 K can be obtained using: rho=rho_('Copper,300) c=c_('Copper,300)

Version 6.181 3/16/01
Improved thermodynamic and transport property information has been implemented for R123.

Version 6.179 3/13/01
A limitation on the auto-update plotting option has been that the number of data points that are plotted had to be constant. This limitation is removed with an option (accessed by pressing the DATA button in the Modify Plot dialog) that will plot all rows of data in the selected table.

Version 6.177 3/10/01
Property data for ideal gas n-Hexane (C6H14) and n-Octane (C8H18) have been added.

Version 6.172 3/05/02
Ideal gas property data for acetylene (C2H2) have been added. Transport property information for NO and NO2 are now available.

Version 6.168 02/28/01
The critical property routines, T_crit, P_crit, and v_Crit, are now implemented for ideal gas substances.

Version 6.166 02/25/01
Multiple plots can be selected in the Modify Plot command by holding the Shift key down while clicking (or dragging) the mouse in the plot line list. If a change is made to a parameter, that change will be applied to all selected plots when the Apply or OK button is clicked. This capability makes it easy to, for example, change the size of the symbols for all plots at one time.

Version 6.165 02/24/01
The output stepsize in the $IntegralTable directive will accept a variable name in addition to a numerical constant.

Version 6.163 02/22/01
If the stepsize in the equation-based integral function is identically 0, automatic step size adjustment will be used in the integration, just as if a stepsize were not provided.

Version 6.160 02/18/01
The crosshair cursor on the Plot Windows is now accessed by pressing both the Shift and Ctrl keys. Just pressing the Ctrl key, as the crosshair cursor was formerly implmented, interfered with copy and paste operations on the Plot Window.

Version 6.157 02/15/01
High accuracy property data for n-hexane have been added to the data base.

Version 6.151 02/03/01
Property data for CarbonMonoxide have been implemented. It is now possible to copy objects from other applications (e.g., MathType, PowerPoint, etc.) and paste the object into an EES plot window. The object can then be moved or resized in the usual manner.

Version 6.142 01/20/01
DATE$ and TIME$ string functions have been added to return the current date and time, respectively.

Version 6.135 01/15/01
A command to generate a high quality report in LaTeX and PDF (portable document interface) has been implemented in the file menu. To create and view PDF files, it is necessary to install a LaTeX compiler and Adobe Acrobat. Both of these applications are available at no cost. Instructions for downloading these applications and using the Create LaTeX/PDF Report command are provided in the online help. Property data for ideal gas C2H4 (ethylene) have been implemented.

Version 6.130 01/08/01
Thermodynamic functions CP and CV have been added to calculate the specific heats at constant pressure and volume, respectively. CP provides exactly the same result as the SPECHEAT function. The ISENTROPICINDEX function which in previous versions provided the ratio CP/CV has been replaced with the related SOUNDSPEED function which returns the speed of sound through the fluid in [m/s] or [ft/s]. Subprograms are now supported. Subprograms are very similar to Modules, the difference being in how the calculations are actually done, as explained in the online help.

Version 6.125 12/25/00
Grouping of drawing object and text that it not used for input/output is now supported in the Diagram windows. Use the group/ungroup buttons on the tool bar or right-click on a selection to access the grouping capabilites.

Version 6.115 12/14/00
High accuracy property data for Hydrogen have been added.

Version 6.110 12/04/02
The drawing environment on the Diagram and child Diagram windows have been improved. It is now possible to copy graphic objects from and to external programs, such as PowerPoint and CorelDraw. Multiple graphic objects may be placed on the Diagram window, moved, and resized.

Version 6.105 12/02/00
The Copy Plot command has the capability of placing two copies of the plot on the clipboard. One copy is a Picture (enhanced metafile) and the other is a high precision bitmap. The high precision bitmap provides a high quality plot image, but it consumes a great deal of memory - particularly so if the image is in color. Starting with Version 6.105, the option of placing a bitmap copy on the clipboard is, by default, disabled. Instead, the picture is copied as an enhanced metafile with a default resolution of 600 pixels per inch so it will print at high quality from the application it is pasted into. The resolution of the clipboard copy, and options for copying in color and as a bitmap can be changed in the Plots Tab of the Preferences dialog.

Version 6.088 11/07/00
Buttons have been provided on the Diagram Window Text Input Dialog to facilitate entry of subscripts, superscripts and symbols.

Version 6.087 11/06/00
If the Solution Window was visible when the file was saved, it will be visible when the file is opened.

Version 6.076 10/22/00
Multiple copies of EES will each have a unique name, e.g., EES(2), EES(3), etc. An option is provided to eliminate the warning that appears when EES is started while other EES applications are running.

Version 6.075 10/21/00
High accuracy property data for n-pentane have been implemented. n-Butane and R600 now both use the high accuracy property data for n-butane.

Version 6.074 10/20/00
A WARNING procedure has been implemented (similar to the ERROR procedure) to allow the user to display warning messages. Previously, only the last warning message could be displayed. However, now warning messages are placed in a message que and all of the messages are displayed when calculations are completed. The warning messages are not generated or displayed unless the 'Show Warning Messages' checkbox in the Options tab of the Preferences dialog is checked.

Version 6.066 10/10/00
The Solution window provides separated tabbed windows to display values of local variables in functions, procedures, and modules. This capability is controlled by the 'Show function/procedure/module values' control in the Options tab of the Preferences dialog. The $Import and $Export directives will accept Clipboard in place of a filename.

Version 6.061 10/03/00
Print Preview now offers Zoom In/Out capability.

Version 6.056 9/24/00
Comments can now be displayed in underline font. The setting is provided for both screen and printed display in the Preferences dialog.

Version 6.055 9/22/00
It is now possible to send any macro command directly to EES from another application such as EXCEL. See the online help section for Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)

Version 6.044 9/4/00
The StringLen returns the number of characters in the string constant or string variable supplied as an argument. For example, StringLen(A$) returns the length of the string stored in variable A$. The NLookupRows function returns the number of rows in the Lookup table or Lookup file specified in the string argument. For example NLookupRows('Lookup 1') returns the number of rows in the Lookup file named 'Lookup 1'. A help context file can be provided with library help files. The help context file has the same name as the library file but with a .CTX filename extension. EES will look for the .CTX file when help is requested. If a .CTX file is found, EES will open the file to find the context number for the topic that has the name of the function for which help is requested. The Help file will be then opened directly to that topic. See help on Library Files for details.

Version 6.042 8/31/00
The $SaveLookup directive will accept a ? or ?? for the filename that the data are to be saved to. In this case, a standard save file dialog will appear from which the filename can be chosen. For example: $SaveLookup TN$ ? will save the Lookuptable having a name that is stored in string variable TN$ to a file selected from the save file dialog and the selected file will replace the ? so that the save dialog does not reappear. If ?? is used, the replacement will not occur.

Version 6.041 8/30/00
The $OpenLookup directive can have an optional second parameter which must be a string variable name. The name of the Lookup file that is opened is assigned to this variable. For example: $OpenLookup ?? myLookupFile$ will bring up a standard file input dialog from which the file name can be selected. That Lookup file will be opened and copied into the Lookup Table Window and myLookupFile$ will be set to the name of the file.

Version 6.040 8/28/00
Plots now over the option of a 2nd X axis (X2) scale. The axis scale is initially placed at the top of the plot but it can be moved with the Ctrl up/down arrow keys. The 2nd Y axis (Y2) scale can be moved with the Ctrl left/right arrow keys. The Modify Plot dialog now provides additional controls to allow the axis scale to be changed after a plot is constructed.

Version 6.035 8/18/00
Thermodynamic property data for methanol have been implemented.

Version 6.032 8/13/00
Controls are now provided in the Modify Plot dialog to separately display error bars in the X and Y directions.

Version 6.030 8/09/00
Property data for R507A are now built into EES. The transport properties for R404A, R407C, R410A, and R507A have been update using recent correlations presented by Geller et al. See the online help for the respective fluids for details.

Version 6.029 08/07/00
The width and height of buttons in the Diagram window can be adjusted in Development mode by selecting the button and holding the Ctrl key depressed while pressing any of the arrow keys. For example, Ctrl-right arrow increases the width of the selected button by 1 pixed. Ctrl-Left arrow decreases the width. If the Ctrl key is not pressed, the button position, rather than its size, will be changed.

Version 6.022 07/27/00
A menu item has been added in the Help menu to access the EES manual in Acrobat format. The menu item will be disabled if file EES_Manual.PDF is not in the directory that EES is started from or if Acrobat is not installed. A $Import directive has been implemented to directly read variable values from a text file. The $Import directive has the following format: $Import 'FileName.csv' A, B, C, X[1..5], G$ Note that both string and numerical values can be read from the disk file. See the online help for details. A ? or ?? can be supplied as the filename in the $OpenLookup directive (Professional version). When the $OpenLookup directive is processed,, a Windows open file dialog will appear from which the filename can be chosen. If a single ? is supplied, it will be replaced with the selected filename. The double ? will not be replaced so that the open file dialog will appear everytime the $OpenLookup directive is processed.

Version 6.020 07/20/00
An expiration date can now be optionally specified for Distributable programs generated with the Make Distributable command (Professional version).

Version 6.008 07/12/00
The $OpenLookup directive will accept either a string constant or string variable for the Lookup file that is to be opened.

Version 6.007 07/11/00
The $SaveLookup directive will now accept string variables for both the Lookup tablename and the filename, e.g., $SaveLookup TableName$ FileName$ where TableName$ and FileName$ are set somewhere during the solving of the EES equations.

Version 6.005 07/10/00
It is now possible to place EES variable information (name, current value, and units) in a text item that appears in a Plot Window. Clicking the text button the Plot Window toolbar will initiate a dialog in which a normal text item or EES variable information can be displayed.

Version 6.001 07/04/00
Right-clicking on a tab in the Parametric, Lookup, or Plot windows initiates a dialog in which the tab name and position can be changed. A delete button is also provided to delete the window. Macro commands now recognize Paste Parametric and Paste Lookup commands.

Version 6.000 07/01/00
Version 6.0 incorporates the following major improvements in the EES user interface. 1. There is no limit on the number of Parametric and Lookup tables. Earlier versions allowed only 1 table of each type. 2. There is no limit on the number of Plot windows. (Earlier versions allowed 10.) 3. Tabs are provided on the Parametric, Lookup, and Plot windows for easy access. The tab names can be changed by right-clicking on the tab. 4. Capability to insert and delete rows and columns in any table is now provided by right-clicking on the column header 5. The width of one or more columns in a table can be changed by selecting the column(s) by clicking in the header cell (top row) followed by right-clicking. A pop-up menu will appear with Properties as one of the options. 6. A range of variable names can be selected when creating a new Parametric table or when adding variables to the table by pressing the Shift key. 7. Additional buttons have been added to the speed bar for access to the Lookup, Arrays, Integral, and Plot Windows. 8. The .WMF files previously used to store pictures in the Professional version are no longer needed.

Version 5.216 05/24/00
Undo has been implemented for the Plot Windows.

Version 5.208 05/14/00
The Property Plot now provides an option to present a psychrometric chart in the Mollier format which is commonly employed in European countries.

Version 5.201 04/30/00
Selected rows or columns in the Parametric and Lookup tables can be deleted by pressing the Delete key or by applying the Delete command in the Edit menu. The Undo command in the Edit menu now functions for operations on the Parametric and Lookup tables.

Version 5.199 04/29/00
Property data for RC318 (octafluorocyclobutane) have been implemented. Viscosity data are now available for iso ing theVersion 5.195 04/24/00 The Tab key can now be used to move from one input to the next on the Digram Window. The tab order can be set by right-clicking on the text while in the development mode (toolbar visible).

Version 5.191 04/15/00
Thick dotted and dashed lines on plots is now an option. Plots having dotted lines will now display properly when copied as a bitmap to another application, such as Word.

Version 5.186 04/09/00
An autosave option has been added to automatically save your work to a temporary EES file. The temporary EES file has the same name as the file that you are working on but the filename is prepended with a tilde (~). By default, EES will automatically save the temporary file every 10 minutes. You will be prompted to enter a filename for a new file if you have not saved it at least once before the autosave attempt. EES will automatically delete the autosave temporary file when a new file is created or opened or when EES is closed. However, if EES quits unexpectedly, the last autosave file should be available to recover your work. The autosave options are controlled by settings in the Options tab of the Preferences dialog (Options menu).

Version 5.182 04/05/00
Automatic rescaling of plot axes is now an option that is controlled for each axis with the 'Automatic scaling' checkbox in the Modify Axis dialog window. When this option is selected, EES will automatically select appropriate axis scaling to accomodate the data in all plots for the plot window.

Version 5.180 04/01/00
High accuracy property data are now available for isopentane, ethylene, and propylene.

Version 5.178 03/29/00
Function VOLEXPCOEF returns the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion for the specified fluid and conditions.

Version 5.175 03/26/00
When an assignment of the form Q=20*convert(Btu/hr,kW) is used, EES will assign units of kW to Q. EES will also propagate units on simple assignment statements, so that if a statement of the form T2=T1 is solved and T1 has units, T2 will be assigned to the same units.

Version 5.170 03/19/00
When a variable is set using one of the built-in property functions, its units are now automatically assigned.

Version 5.157 02/25/00
High accuracy property data are now available for R-23.

Version 5.151 02/09/00
Background colors can now be assigned to text placed on the Diagram window.

Version 5.148 02/03/00
The caption for each of the 10 plot windows can now be changed in the Modify Plot dialog window.

Version 5.146 01/30/00
The automatic step size adjustment algorithm used in equation-based Integrals has been improved. The parameters which control the calculation effort and accuracy of integration are entered in the Tolerances dialog (Options menu) which replaces the former Stop Criteria dialog.

Version 5.140 01/18/00
An $EXPORT directive has been provided to allow selected variables to be written to an ASCII file in .TXT or .CSV formats. This directive simplifies the task of copying results to an EES Lookup file or to another application.

Version 5.139 01/17/00
EES now can read and write data with the .CSV file format. The format provides a convenient method to export data from a Lookup table to another application.

Version 5.136 01/12/00
Transport properties are now provided for lithium bromide-water mixtures with functions VISC_LIBR and COND_LIBR. Details are available by clicking the Function Info button in the Function Info dialog window after selecting External routines and selecting one of these functions.

Version 5.133 01/09/00
High accuracy property data for Argon is now provided.

Version 5.130 01/07/00
EES is now Windows 2000 compatible.

Version 5.125 12/25/99
Properties for refrigerant R152a have been added to the data base. The correlation for liquid transport properties presented by M.J. Assael et al., "Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of Halogenated Methane and Ethane Refrigerants", IJR 22, pp. 525-535, 1999, has been implemented for R152a, R134a_ha, R22_ha, and R32.

Version 5.122 12/18/99
Right clicking in the Row column of any table now brings up a menu that allows a back color or border to be associated with the row.

Version 5.115 12/05/99
Simple algebraic expression involving previously set constants and parentheses can now be used to specify limits for the SUM, PRODUCT functions and the DUPLICATE statement.

Version 5.113 12/03/99
High accuracy properties are now available for R22 in fluid R22_ha.

Version 5.110 11/28/99
It is now possible to save a diagram input (.VAR) file with a specified file name using the Save button on the Diagram window. The toolbar allows a Load button to be placed on the main Diagram window. Clicking the Load button will open a specifed .VAR file and update all of the inputs fields in the Diagram windows. A Print button can be placed on Diagram windows with the Show/Hide Print button on the toolbar. Clicking the Print button will print the contents of the window to the default printer.

Version 5.109 11/26/99
The 255 character limit for the maximum length of the lines EES processes has been removed for comments. It is now possible to enter long paragraphs of comments. The comments will automatically line break to fill the Equations window if the Wrap Long Lines option in the Preferences Equations tab is selected. The Formatted Equations window will also line break the comments in the display window and in the printed output.

Version 5.106 11/22/99
String variables can now be used to specify the units of other variables. For example: U$='kJ/kg' h=15 "[U$]" The comment to the right of the 15 sets the units of variable h to U$. The units could also be set in the Variable Info dialog or by clicking on h in the Solution window. In any case, EES will recognize that U$ is a string variable and set the units of h to the string that is assigned to U$.

Version 5.101 11/14/99
Commands to control Microsoft WORD have been added to the Macro command list. It is now possible to open a WORD document, paste the solution window, tables, and plots, save the WORD document and close WORD, all with Macro commands in EES.

Version 5.094 11/04/99
It is possible to use a drop-down list in a Diagram Window to set the values of one or more EES variables. This is accomplished by following the string that is to be displayed with characters // and then with one or more EES equations on one line. For example, the string Copper // density=8933; conductivity=400 will display Copper in the drop-down list, but EES will execute the statements to the right of the // characters when the a choice is made from the drop-down list or when calculations are initiated. If the string is User Input // density=?; conductivity=? EES will look for Diagram Window Output specifications for Density and Conducitivity, and if found, they will be changed to Input variables. This capablity provides a method of exchanging Input and Output variables on the Diagram window. See the on-line help for the Diagram Window for more information. Also, look at new example Diagram_IN_OUT.

Version 5.090 10/31/99
A new property function called SURFACETENSION provides surface tension data for real fluids.

Version 5.088 10/28/99
High accuracy thermodynamic properties of water are now provided in substance Steam_IAPWS which implements the 1995 Formulation for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary Water Substance for General and Scientific Use, issued by The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS). This capability is available only in the Professional version.

Version 5.083 10/18/99
The Lookup$Row function has been implemented. See the online help for details.

Version 5.079 10/14/99
Appending _hat to a variable name, e.g., F_hat, places a ^ symbol above the name. RANDOM(A,B) returns a uniformly distributed number in the range between A and B. This function can be used only within EES Functions and Procedures.

Version 5.067 10/3/99
The contour plot algorithms now allow the plot resolution to be specified. The calculation speed has been increased by an order of magnitude

Version 5.061 9/28/99
Clicking the left mouse button in the leftmost column of a row in any table will select all of the cells in that row. If the mouse button is held down while the mouse is moved to other rows, these rows will be added to the selection. Rows can also added by holding the Shift key down while clicking in the leftmost column. All of the cells in a column can be selected in a similar manner by clicking the left mouse button in the column header. Note that it is now necessary to right-click in the cell header to bring up the dialog that allows the format, units, and other information in a column to be edited. Right-clicking after selecting a range of cells brings up a popup menu that allows selected printing, copying, and other options.

Version 5.059 9/26/99
A plot window that is displayed using a plot window button on a Diagram window now has a small button at the bottom right which returns the focus to the Diagram window that contains the plot window button. The IsentropicIndex function has been added to the list of built-in property functions.

Version 5.058 9/24/99
The IsIdealGas property function has been added. The use of this function is explained in the online help.

Version 5.055 9/21/99
The bitmap resolution and black&white/color setting of plots copied to the clipboard can now be set in the Preferences dialog/Plot tab. Use the Paste Special command in an external application such as a word processor, to select the type of paste operation. Pasting a plot as a Device Independent Bitmap provides the highest quality image but it requires the most memory. Pasting as a picture requires the least memory.

Version 5.053 9/18/99
Calculate buttons can now be placed on child Diagram windows. Link and Plot window buttons can display a bitmap.

Version 5.048 9/12/99
EES will replace _star with a superscript * in the Solution and Formatted Equations windows. For example, T_star will display as T*.

Version 5.047 9/9/99
The Units.Txt file has been modified to accept µm as a length unit. To enter µm, hold the Alt-Key down and type 230 on the numeric keypad. Let the Alt key up and the µ should appear. Then enter m. Other useful characters are Alt-248 which displays the degree symbol ° and Alt-250 which appears as a dot (·) and is used to represent multiplication. The Convert routine in EES will accept a hypen (-), a star (*) or character 250 (·) as a separator for units. For example, W-hr, W*hr and W·hr will all be accepted in the Convert command for Watt-hours.

Version 5.044 9/5/99
You may not have known that there was a 64 kByte limit to the amount of text that could be entered into the Equations window. That limit has been raised to 128 kBytes.

Version 5.042 9/3/99
A larger range of colors for objects (boxes, circles, and lines) on the Plot and Diagram windows is now available.

Version 5.040 8/31/99 (Professional version)
The Make Distributable dialog window now has buttons to save and load scripting information. The save button copies all information in the Make Distributable dialog window to a file having a .MDI filename extension. The load button allows a .MDI file to be opened so that the information in the file can be used to fill the fields in the Make Distributable dialog window.

Version 5.038 8/28/99
The transport property correlations of Vesovic et al. have been implemented for fluid CarbonDioxide_ha.

Version 5.034 8/24/99
EES will now accept HTML files (*.htm) help files in addition to ASCII text (*.txt) and Windows help (*.hlp) files. Any of the three file types can be used to provide user help for library files, EES files loaded from the Textbook menu, and files created with the Make Distributable command. Help buttons placed on the diagram window and child diagram windows can also now use any of the three help file formats.

Version 5.032 8/22/99
Child diagram windows can now have their own child windows (Professional version).

Version 5.028 8/17/99
Right-clicking on Parameteric, Lookup, Arrays, or Integral table will bring up a pop-up menu allowing the currrent selection to be cut, copied, or printed. This option provides a convenient way to print a specified section of a table.

Version 5.026 8/15/99
Holding the Shift key down while creating or resizing lines/arrows on the Plot and Diagram windows will constrain the lines to be horizontal, vertical, or on a 45 degree angle. If the Shift key is depressed while creating or resizing rectangles or circles, the rectangle or circle will be drawn with equal height and width. The PRANDTL function has been added. Right-clicking the mouse on the Equations window now brings up a pop-up menu allowing the current selection to by commented, cut or copied. Access to the Variable Info dialog window is also provided.

Version 5.020 7/31/99
Temperature - enthalpy plots can be generated using the Property Plot option in the Plot menu for substances using the high accuracy Fundamental Equation of State. The on-line help for Fluid Property Information identifies the substances that use this equation of state.

Version 5.016 7/27/99
A temperature conversion function has been implemented. The ConvertTemp function has the following format: ConvertTemp('C', 'F', T). The first two parameters are string constants or string variables which must be C, K, F, or R, respresenting the Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit, or Rankine scales. The third parameter is a temperature in the scale indicated by the first parameter. The function returns the temperature in the scale indicated by the second parameter. In the example above the function would return the temperature in F corresponding to the temperature T in C. The single quotes around the string constants are not required.

Version 5.015 7/26/99
An IntegralValue function has been implemented to allow retrieval of data from the Integral Table. (See version 5.004)

Version 5.014 7/22/99
The arrowhead size can now be changed on the Plot and Diagram windows. The arrowhead size is automatically scaled when the Plot or Diagram size is changed.

Version 5.012 7/19/99
Ø A Data button has been added to the Modify Plot dialog. This button becomes active if the Automatic Update option is enabled. When clicked, the Data button allows the source of the plotted data to be changed. It is possible to change the range of rows, the X and/or Y- axis columns and the table from which data are plotted. EES will automatically update the plot to reflect the change in the data source. The most common use for this capability is to change the range of rows that has been previously selected for a plot line. Ø High accuracy properties for Helium have been incorporated.

Version 5.005 7/12/99
Link buttons can now be placed on the Diagram window in the Professional version. Clicking a link button can be used to start an external application or run a specified EES program. This capability simplifies chaining EES programs for sequential operation. High accuracy property data for nitrogen have added replacing the previous less- accurate correlations. The new property data are valid from 65 to 2000 K at pressures up to 1000 MPa.

Version 5.004 7/03/99
A new directive called $IntegralTable allows intermediate values of specified variables during numerical integration with equation-based Integral functions to be automatically placed in an Integral Table. The values in the Integral Table can be plotted, printed, or copied. See the on-line help for details.

Version 4.993 6/12/99
High accuracy thermodynamic and transport properties for propane and isobutane have been added. The Professional version provides a means of creating a distributable program that can include up to five EES programs. Normally, the first EES program is the one that shows up when the distributable program is launched. However, placing a /# (where # is an integer between 1 and 5) as a parameter will select that file at startup. For example, entering MyDist.exe /2 into the Windows Run dialog window will start the distributable program called MyDist.exe and bring up the second file. Text and objects on the Diagram windows can now be selected using a selection rectangle, as in most drawing programs.

Version 4.989 6/9/99
A help button can be placed on the Diagram window and on Child Diagram windows. Clicking the Help button opens a specified help ASCII text or Windows .HLP file. The Windows menu Diagram window item will now list child Diagram windows (Professional version).

Version 4.987 6/7/99
The Viscosity and Conductivity functions now allow any set of independent properties as inputs. The Convert function will now accept a star (*) as well as a dash (-) as a separator between units.

Version 4.985 5/28/99
A function called NTABLEROWS has been added. This function takes one string argument and that argument may be 'Parametric', 'Lookup', or 'Arrays' or the name of a Lookup file stored on disk. In this case, the name may be provided as a string constant or a string variable. The function returns the number of rows in the specified table.

Version 4.980 5/20/99
Two new directives have been added to the Professional version. $OPENLOOKUP LookupfileName will open the a Lookup Table and read the data in the file designated as LookupFileName. SAVELOOKUP LookupfileName will save the Lookup Table in a file with the specified name. A SAVE button can now be placed on the Diagram window of Distributable programs (Professional version). When clicked, the SAVE button saves the current values of all variables and the current values for all input variables in the Diagram window in a .VAR file having the same name as the parent EES file. This file is automatically loaded with the distributable program is opened which restores the inputs in the Diagram window to the values they had when the SAVE button was clicked.

Version 4.970 5/1/99 - 612/99
High accuracy property data are now available for a number of fluids including carbon dixiode, methane, ethane, propane, isobutane, n-butane, R32 ammonia, oxygen and R134a. The on- line help has been modified to provide the source of the data and its limits of applicability. The Property Plot dialog (Options menu) has been expanded to allow additional information to be placed on the property plots.

Version 4.960 4/14/99
Palettes for lower and upper Greek letters and special symbols have been added to the Format Text dialog to simplify input of text that is to be placed on a Plot window. The Format Text dialog appears by right-clicking or doubling clicking on a text item in the Plot window.

Version 4.949 3/26/99
(Professional version) If the cursor is positioned over an input or output variable in the Diagram window or child Diagram window, the name of that variable will be displayed as a hint if the tool bar is visible.

Version 4.946 3/24/99
To maintain consistency with other Windows software, it is now necessary to hold the Shift key down when selecting multiple items in the Plot and Diagram Windows. Up to this version, pressing the Shift key displayed crosshairs on the Plot windows. Now this capability is enabled with the Ctrl key.

Version 4.943 3/22/99
The Print command dialog has been modified to allow selected printing of child Diagram windows (Professional version).

Version 4.942 3/19/99
The Find command can now be used in the Residuals window.

Version 4.935 03/11/99
The Professional version now allows up to 10,000 variables and equations.

Version 4.917 02/15/99
The Residuals window now uses bold font to show which variables are determined by the equation(s) in each block. This capability makes it easier to see the order in which EES is determining the values of the unknown variables.

Version 4.911 02/08/99 and 4/07/99
The units of a variable which is on the left side of an equation (by itself) in the Equations window can now be automatically set using a comment in which the units are enclosed in braces. Additional text following the unit specification can be provided. For example: h=400 "[Btu]" P4=P3/100 "[bar] this equation will set the units of variable P4 to bar"

Version 4.908 02/03/99
A Check Units command has been added to the Calculate menu. This command will check the dimensional and unit conversion consistency of all equations except those in functions and procedures. It is necessary to enter the units of each variable for the checking process to function properly. The units can be entered in the Variable Info dialog window or in the Solution window. The checking algorithm cannot know the units of conversion constants, so it is best to avoid them in your equations. The Convert function should be used instead. For example, suppose you have two variables, L_inch and L_feet, whose units are set to inches and feet, respectively. This following equation will not check properly because the units of 12 are not known. L_inch=L_feet*12 However, if the convert function is employed as shown next, the equation will be accepted. L_inch=L_feet*convert(ft,in)

Version 4.906 01/31/99
A set of string functions has been implemented to facilitate manipulations of string variables. The string variables are: CONCAT$, COPY$, LOWERCASE$, STRING$, STRINGPOS, STRINGVAL, and UPPERCASE$. Detailed information is available in the on-line help.

Version 4.896 01/11/99
The size of the symbol used in plots can now be modified in the Modify Plot dialog. The symbol size scales proportionally as the plot rectangle is resized. In plots with many points, placing a symbol at each point results in a messy plot, although some symbols may be needed for plot line identification. The Modify Plot dialog now also provides a control to specify symbols to be drawn every N points, where 1Version 4.890 01/04/99
A plot window access button has been added to the Diagram window toolbar. When clicked, the plot window access button displays a small dialog in which the desired plot window and button caption can be entered. A button with this caption then appears on the Diagram window and it can be dragged to the desired location if the tool bar is visible. Clicking this button when the tool bar is hidden will display the Plot window.

Version 4.884 12/15/98
The operation of the Diagram window has been changed. First, a tool bar has been added to this window and to the child Diagram windows (Professional version) to create graphic objects (text, lines/arrows, rectangles, and ellipses) and to manipulate these objects. Second, the Diagram window now has two modes: development and application mode. The development mode is active when the tool bar is visible. Objects in the Diagram window can be moved, modified, or deleted in development mode. The entire window can be resized. However, the input variable edit boxes and drop-down lists are disabled in development mode. When the tool bar is hidden, the Diagram window is in application mode. In application mode, the graphic objects cannot be moved or modified. The Diagram window will accept user input and, after calculations are completed, the values of output variables will be displayed. Ctrl-D is a keyboard shortcut for the Diagram window. If the Diagram window is not in front, Ctrl-D brings it to the front. If the Diagram window is foremost, Ctrl-D toggles the visibility of the tool bar. Shift-Ctrl-D toggles the visibility of the tool bar in the Diagram window and all child diagram windows.

Version 4.882 12/10/98
A tool bar has been added to the plot windows to facilitate adding text, lines/arrows, boxes and ellipses. A Show/Hide tool bar command in the Plot menu replaces the Add Text and Add Line commands. Multiple items on the plot window can now be copied, moved, and alligned.

Version 4.876 11/30/98
Plots printed by EES on a laser printer look great. However, when the plot is copied and pasted to another application, such as a word processor, the quality of the printed plot is not as good. The reason for this degradation in quality is that the plot is copied at the resolution of the screen. However, in this version, the Copy Plot command now also puts a high resolution bitmap on the clipboard. You can select a picture (as before) or a bitmap using the Paste Special command in the external program. The bitmap requires much more memory, but it produces a high quality image when printed.

Version 4.874 11/27/98
Selected text items in the Diagram window can now be cut, copied, and/or pasted to a child diagram window or to a Diagram window in a different EES program (Professional version only). To select one or more text items in the Diagram window, hold the Shift key down while clicking on the text item. To select a drop-down string list, click just the left of the rectangle. Selected text items are displayed within a red dotted rectangle. To unselect text items, click anywhere on the Diagram window, but not on a text item.

Version 4.873 11/25/98
The Plot Windows 'fly-out' menu that appears when the Plot Windows menu item is selected from the Windows menu now displays each plot window as the mouse is moved over the different plot window menu items. This behavior should make it easier to find the plot window that you wish to move to the front. You can disable this behavior by holding the Ctrl key down while selecting the plot window menu item.

Version 4.871 11/23/98
Variable Information files with filename extension *.VAR can now be opened with the $INCLUDE directive.

Version 4.867 11/16/98
Two small buttons have been added to the Variable Info dialog (Professional Version only) to allow variable information to be read from or saved to a file. The variable information file has a .VAR filename extension, but it is a text file that can be opened in a word processor or spreadsheet. Variable information data can be saved to an existing .VAR file. In this case, the file is updated with the current information for the variables that are in use. Information in the file concerning variables that are not currently in use is not modified or deleted. If a program contains one or more modules, a dropdown list appears at the top center of the Variable Info dialog from which the module or main program can be selected. Variable information are read or saved for the selected module or main program. The read and save variable information buttons make it very easy to prepare and use a file containing your common variables with appropriate guess values, limits, and units.

Version 4.863 11/11/98
The Lookup table will now accept string data, as well as numerical data. The format style must be set to String. This change is made by clicking in the column header and selecting String as the style. The LOOKUP$ function is used to return string data. It operates exactly like the LOOKUP function.

Version 4.859 11/05/98
A Directories Tab has been added to the Preferences dialog in the Options menu. Default directories for opening and saving files can now be specified. In addition, a directory in addition to the USERLIB directory can now be used to preload library files when EES is started. See the on-line help for details.

Version 4.853 10/27/98
An EES variable with name JTHETA will be displayed as a J in Symbol font, which appears as a 'curly theta'.

Version 4.852 10/26/98
The maximum number of rows in the Parametric and Lookup tables has been increased to 9000 from the former limit of 6500. There is no limit to the number of rows in the Professional version.

> Version 4.851 10/25/98
A green 'go' triangle is displayed in the upper left cell of the Parametric table. Clicking the left mouse button in this triangular area will initiate the Parametric Table calculations for the rows indicated below the triangle. The row range is that selected during the last use of the Solve Table dialog. To select a different range, click the left mouse button in the first row. Hold the Shift key down and then click the mouse in the last row. Continue to hold the Shift key down while clicking in the green triangle. A shorthand notation for array variables has been implemented to facilitate passing of array variables to internal and external Functions and Procedures. A range of array variables can be indicated by separating the first array index value from the last index value by two decimal points. For example, X[1..5] can be used in place of X[1], X[2], X[3], X[4], X[5]. This shorthand notation is supported for two dimensional array variables as well. Since all EES statements must be 255 or fewer characters, this notation can be used to pass long argument lists. The notation can be used in the arguments of function calls and CALL statements, in Function and Procedure statements and in $Common directives. See Array Range Notation in the online help for details. The AVERAGE function has been added as a built-in function. The SUM function has been modified to accept a list of argument, in addition to the former index-based format. There is no longer any inherent limit on the number of variables that can be passed to an external procedure with .FDL format. (The former limit was 50 inputs and 50 outputs). Up to 1000 variables can be passed in the argument list of external functions using array range notation.

Version 4.850 10/22/98
EES now will display unmatched left or right parentheses in bold during input in the Equations Window.

Version 4.847 10/17/98
A Calculate button can be placed on the Diagram Window. Right clicking on the Calculate button allows both the button caption and the action taken when the button is clicked to be modified.

Version 4.821 9/04/98
Support is now provided for mouse wheel scrolling.

Version 4.818 9/01/98
The professional version of EES will now allow macro files to be played from another application using dynamic data exchange control. The online help provides the details.

Version 4.812 8/22/98
EES now provides bar plots and contour plots in addition to the X-Y plots provided in previous versions. The New Plot Window command displays a submenu with the three plot types. Look at the online-help for X-Y plot, bar plot and contour plot for details. EES recognizes three externally compiled files of types .DLF, .DLP, and .FDL. Previously, only one routine could reside in an externally compiled file. It is now possible to include one or more external routines in a .DLL file. All three file types can be included in the same file. The mechanism for telling EES the names and types of the external routines is to provide three short routines in the DLL file with names DLFNames, DLPNames, and FDLNames that do nothing but return the calling names of each routine type in the DLL file. DLFName, DLPNames, and FDLNames must be exported in the DLL. They have one argument which is a character string. The character string is filled with the names of the routines of each type that are contained in the DLL file. A comma separates each file name. A zero length string is used to indicate that there are no files of that type. An example, written in DELPHI 4 is provided in the on-line help.

Version 4.810 8/20/98
Right-clicking on the Calculate button in the Diagram window will allow the Calculate button caption to be changed. A French version of EES has been developed. Contact F-Chart Software if this is of interest to you.

Version 4.802 8/10/98
The New Plot and Overlay Plot commands have been modified to allow multiple variables to be selected in the Y-axis list. A separate plot line will be generated for each selected variable. All selected variables will be plotted with the same axis scale. If more than one Y-axis variable is selected, the symbol and color list boxes will display 'auto'. With the 'auto' option, the symbol and color for each plot line will be automatically selected by EES so that each plot line has a different symbol and color. This feature can be overridden by simply selecting the symbol and color.

Version 4.791 7/25/98
Subscripts and superscripts are now displayed in comments in the Formatted Equations window.

Version 4.790 7/20/98
The capabilities of the Debug window have been expanded. If EES detects that a solution is constained, the DEBUG window will display all variables and equations that are are constrained. Clicking on a variable will open the Variable Info dialog where the lower or upper bound on the variable value can be changed.

Version 4.784 7/6/98
The Variable Info dialog now provides a Show Array Elements checkbox control when one or more arrays are present in the Equations window. When this control is selected, all array elements appear in the Variable Info dialog and the guess value, bounds, display format, and units can be set for each individual element as before. However, when the control is not selected, all arrays elements are represented by a single entry. For example, X[ ] represents all array elements with parent name X. If any of the characteristics for the array are changed, that change is applied to ALL array elements. For example, changing the guess value for X[ ] will result in the new guess value being applied to all array elements in array X. However, other characteristics, such as the bounds and units, would not be affected. In addition, the array name can be changed by editing the name in the first column of the Variable Info dialog. (Note that the names of array elements, e.g., X[5], can not be edited.) If an array name is changed, that change is applied to all array elements. The change occurs in the Equations window, the tables, and the Diagram window.

Version 4.782 7/1/98
A Calculate button can now be placed on the Diagram window to more conveniently initiate calculations involving input and output variables in the Diagram window. The button is enabled with a check box control in the Add Diagram Text dialog which appears whenever Diagram window text is added or modified.

Version 4.781 6/26/98
Undo is now accessible for the Solution window.

Version 4.776 6/15/98
Store and Retrieve Parametric Table commands have been added to the Tables menu. The Store Parametric Table command will save all information relating to the existing Parametric table in a binary file having a .PAR filename extension. The Retrieve Parametric table will read a specified .PAR file and restore the Parametric table to the same condition it was in when the Store Parametric Table command was issued. Although EES only allows one Parametric table at a time, the Store and Retrieve Parametric Table commands provide almost the same effect as having multiple Parametric Table windows.

Version 4.775 6/10/98
This version heralds the introduction of the Professional version of EES. The Professional version provides the following capabilities: 1. A series of EES instructions (called a macro) can be recorded with the Build Macro command in the File menu. EES can later be started from the Windows Run command or from a different program to replay all of the instructions in the Macro file. Used in this manner, EES can be directed to solve a set of equations in a specified text or EES file and put the solution into another specified text file without ever appearing on the screen. The online help for the Build Macro command provides details. 2. The capabilities of the Diagram Window have been expanded. It is now possible to define 'hot areas' in the Diagram Window which, when clicked, bring up a child Diagram window having all of the same capabilities as the main Diagram Window. A link to 'hot areas' and 'child Diagram windows' can be found in the online help for the Diagram window. 3. The Make Distributable Program was available in previous versions. However, this capability is now available only in the Professional version. Contact F-Chart Software if you wish to update your existing version of EES to a Professional version.

Version 4.770 6/08/98
Entering the values of array variables can be painful in EES. For example, if you want to define array X with 10 values ranging from 1 to 10, you would have to enter X[1]=1; X[2]=2; etc. The new Insert/Modify Array command in the Edit menu has been implemented to help enter values for one and two-dimensional arrays. After selecting this command, you can enter (or paste) the values directly into a spreadsheet-like table. When you click the OK command, EES will generate the necessary EES equations to define the array at the bottom of your Equations window. EES will surround the array equations with a special set of comments. If you later modify the array, EES will look for these comments to determine if the array has already been set. Set the on-line help for details.

Version 4.750 5/02/98
Multiple text items can be selected in the Diagram Window by holding the Shift key down while clicking on the text item. A red dotted box will be displayed around each selected text item. Pressing the right mouse button (or selecting the Modify Diagram Text command in the Options menu) will bring up a dialog window in which the characteristics (font, color, size, etc.) of all selected text items can be changed at once. Also, the dialog window allows the selected text items to be aligned with respect to each other. All selected text items move in response to the arrow keys.

Version 4.750 5/02/98
EES can now display superscipts in variable names in the Formatted Equations and Solution windows. The vertical bar character (|) signified the start of a superscript. For example, G|o will display as G with a superscript o.

Version 4.750 5/02/98
Did The exclamation character as the first character of the comment causes this to happen. You can now set the colors and styles of the comments, and other information, in the Preferences dialog. The Print in Color control has been moved to the Print dialog where it is more visible and easier to access.}

Version 4.741 4/13/98
The printer can now be selected directly from the Print dialog.

Version 4.735 4/5/98
The Screen tab of the Preferences dialog now allows comments in the Equations and Formatted Equations window to be displayed in italics or bold.

Version 4.733 4/1/98
Refrigerant names R717, R718, and R744 are now recognized.

Version 4.726 3/21/98
A number of conveniences have been added to the Plot Windows. It is now possible to select more than one text item or line. Once selected, changes can be applied to all selected items at one time. For example, the font size of all selected text items can be changed at once. Each press of an arrow keys moves all selected text items or lines one pixel in the arrow direction. When more than one text item or line is selected, alignment buttons are provided to align the selected items relative to each other. The alignment option becomes available after clicking the right mouse button or double-clicking the left mouse button. The Delete key will delete all selected text items or lines. The Paste command will restore the deleted items. Holding the Ctrl key while resizing a plot prevents the text size from changing proportionally with the plot size. Also in this version, the text within a plot will be moved to appropriate locations in the plot if the scale on the X or Y axis is changed.

Version 4.715 3/01/98
Two new built-in functions have been added. Erfc(X) is the complement to the Error function equal to 1 - erf(X). CIS(theta) is a short way of entering COS(Theta)+i*SIN(Theta).

Version 4.710 2/21/98
The psychrometric chart produced by the Property Plot command now allows the user to enter the lower and upper temperature limits for the abcissa.

Version 4.700 1/23/98 - 2/2/98 32-bit only)
The keyword Subprogram has been changed to Module. Modules no longer require a colon to distinguish inputs from outputs. Commas are used to separate the arguments. The entire Module concept has been revised. When a Module is called, the equations in the Module are transparently grafted into the equations in the main EES program. The result can be seen in the Residuals window which lists all of the equations that are solved more in less in the order that EES solves them. Additional information is provided in the online help.

(Version 4.660 1/12/98 32-bit only)
EES now can solve equations with complex variables. Many changes have been made to support this capability. For details, look at Complex Numbers in the online-help.

(Version 4.649 12/25/97 32-bit only)
The number of allowable plot windows has been increased from 5 to 10. The plot windows are accessed with the Plot Windows submenu in the Windows menu. The plot windows can also be accessed with keyboard shortcuts. For example, Ctrl-1 will bring Plot Window 1 to the front. The keyboard shortcuts for all menu commands are shown in the menus. NOTE: EES versions 4.648 and earlier can only read 5 plot windows. If you save a file having more than 5 plot windows, a General Protection error will result when you attempt to open this file with an older version of EES. EES should, however, then function normally although some of the plots will be lost.

(Version 4.643 12/05/97 32-bit only)
By popular demand, a control has been added to the Print dialog to allow printing of multiple copies (32-bit version only).

(Version 4.634 11/09/97)
It is now possible to display gridlines on plots at positions between the axis numbers. To change the appearance of an axis display, double-click the left mouse button (or click the right mouse button) on the axis. The Modifiy Axis dialog will appear. Select the Grid lines control, if it is not already checked. The # Ticks/Division should appear within a rectangle. Clicking the left mouse button within this rectangle will cause the display to change to # Grids/Division. In this case, grid lines instead of tick marks will be displayed.

(Version 4.625 10/20/97 32-bit only)
Great news for Europeans! EES is now able to represent numerical values using a comma rather than a decimal point as the decimal separator. To invoke this capability, you must set the Decimal Symbol in the Number tab of the Windows Control Panel Regional Setting dialog window to a comma. Then start EES. EES will automatically convert the format of all values in previously saved files. The comma is now the decimal separator. The list separator character, which in the U.S. version is a character, is now a semicolon. The semicolon in the U.S. version was used to allow multiple equations to be place on one line. Use the period character for this purpose.

(Version 4.616 9/30/97)
Uncertainty analysis has been implemented. The Uncertainty analysis commands are in the Calculate menu. The Uncertainty Propagation Table places uncertainty values in the Parametric table. Subsequent plotting allows error bars to be drawn representing the propagated error. See the on-line help for details.

(Version 4.616 9/30/97)
The column widths in the Parametric, Lookup, and Arrays tables may now be individually changed. To change the column width, move the cursor to the header row and position it over a column divider line. The cursor icon will change to a column size icon. Drag the column divider line to its new position.

(Version 4.614 9/21/97 32-bit only)
Functions T_crit, P_crit, and v_crit have been added to return the critical temperature, pressure, and specific volume respectively. These functions take one parameter which is the name of the fluid. A string variable can be provided.

(Version 4.611 9/18/97)
A menu speedbar has been implemented with one-button access to the most commonly applied menu commands. If you wish, you can disable the menu speedbar with the Preferences command in the Options menu by setting the 'Display menu speedbar' control.

(Version 4.610 9/17/97)
The Default Variable Information command in the Options menu allows the guess values, bounds, display format and units for variables to be automatically set based on the the first letter of the variable. It is now possible to have multiple sets of Default Variable Information by using the Load and Store buttons that have been added to the dialog. Store will store the currently defined defaults in a file having a .dvi filename extension. Load will load a previously-stored file and apply the defaults to all existing and new variables. The EES_DFLT.dvi file contains the variable defaults EES will apply when it is started.

Version 4.600 9/01/97 32-bit only
Property data for R404A, R407C, and R410A have been added. These fluids are quite different from any of the others in the data base in that they are blends. R404A and R410A exhibit very little temperature glide, so its T-s and P-h plots looks like those for a pure fluid. However, the T-s and P-h plots for R407C show the capabilities of the new property functions.

Version 4.600 9/01/97 32-bit only
Modules are now supported. Modules are used exactly in the same manner as procedures. The 'Procedure' keyword is replaced with 'Module'. The Module is accessed with a 'Call' statement. The difference between a Module and Procedure is that the Module can use equality statements, rather than assignment statements as used in Procedures. Each Module has its own set of variables. Each Module can have up to 5000 variables. The guess values for the Modules and main program are accessed with the Variable Info command. See the on-line help for documentation.

Version 4.459 8/09/97
EES will automatically load the HELLO.EES file if it finds this file in the EES main directory. You can place messages, directions, or any information you wish in this file. This file is named HELLO.EES. If you do not with this file to appear when you start EES, rename it or delete it. Alternatively, hold the Shift key down to bypass opening the Hello.EES file.

Version 4.458 8/07/97
Text items and lines/arrows on the plot windows can now be cut and copied to the Clipboard using the commands in the Edit menu. This feature makes it easy to copy text and lines from one EES plot window to another.

Version 4.457 8/04/97
Two new directives have been added: $Warnings On/Off controls the setting of the Warnings Option in the Preferences dialog $Arrays On/Off controls whether arrays variables are displayed in a separate Arrays table. Other directives are $Common, $Include, and $Complex On/Off.

Version 4.456 8/02/97
The height and width of the Variable Info dialog can be changed.

Version 4.454 7/30/97
The Lookup, Interpolate, and Differentiate functions will now accept an ASCII Lookup file, in addition to the binary .LKT file that wasaccepted in previous versions. More information can be found in the online help under topic Lookup File Formats.

Version 4.440 07/01/97
A bullet line type is now provided in the Add Line (Plot Menu) and Add Diagram Line (Options Menu) commands. A external procedure called JANAF is provided with EES. JANAF provides the specific heat, specific enthalpy, and specific entropy (3rd law reference) as a function of temperature for many substances. The format is: CALL JANAF(Substance,T: CP,H,S) More information is available from the Function Info dialog (Options menu). Click the External Procedure button; Then select JANAF and click the Info button.

Version 4.430 6/05/97
Lines and/or arrows to the Diagram window using the Add Diagram Line that has been added to the Options Menu. This command works in exactly the same manner as the Add Line in the Plot menu, except that it draws lines or arrows on the Diagram Window.

Version 4.423 5/23/97
Make Distributable Program now provides controls which can restrict user access to theTables and Plot menus.

Version 4.421 05/21/97
An Apply button has been provided for the Add Diagram Text command Option menu) and the Add Text command (Plot menu) so that multiple text items can be added to the Diagram window or Plot windows, respectively, with one execution of the command.

Version 4.420 05/20/97
EES now provides support for string variables. A string variable is identified with a $ as the last character in its name, as in Basic. String variable can be assigned to string constants which are characters enclosed within single quotes. A string variable can be used wherever character information is normally provided to EES. For example, the following EES equations are now accepted. h=enthalpy(R$,T=100,P=200) g=interpolate(F$,Col1$, Col2$, Col1$=h) where R$ is a string variable that will be assigned to legal fluid name during execution of the EES program. F$ is the name of a Lookup file stored on disk. Col1$ and Col2$ are string variables for the names of the columns in the Lookup table. String variables can be defined in the Equations Window, in the Parametric Table, or in the Diagram Window.

Version 4.384 3/3/97
A new form for the INTEGRAL function has been implemented which allows differential and integral functions to be solved without use of the Parametric table. The format for the equation-based INTEGRAL function is: y = y0 + INTEGRAL(fxy, x, lowx, highx, stepx). y0 is the initial value of y. fxy is an EES variable or expression representing the integrand. The integration variable is x and it is integrated between values lowx and highx. Stepx is optional. If stepx is not provided, EES will use an automatic-step size adjustment algorithm. The value of the integral is determined numerically. Additional examples, DRAG.EES, SUBSTEPS.EES, and DBL_INTG.EES have been added to illustrate the use of the INTEGRAL function. See the on-line help for a more detailed explanation of the expanded capabilities of the INTEGRAL function.

Version 4.383 02/28/97
The capabilities of the $INCLUDE directive have been expanded to allow library files, as well as text files to be automatically loaded. EES now provides a Browse option if the file indicated in the $INCLUDE directive can not be found.

Version 4.380 02/23/97
The Debug window has been changed to provide more useful information. The Debug window is accessible when you try to solve a set of equations which has a different number of equations than unknowns. The Debug window shows a listing of all variables which are used only once in the Equations window. A mistyped variable will often be in this category. In addition, EES will now try to identify which variables are likely to be involved in an overdefined or underdefined problems. The Residuals window can now be accessed even if the solution was not successful. The Residuals window provides information on the blocking and order of solution of the equations which may be useful in debugging your problems.

Versions developed before 1/1/97

Help files provided for external functions and procedures can now be either ASCII help files or Windows.HLP files. In either case, the filename extension should be .HLP. EES will determine whether the file is a Windows HLP file.

The Solutions window has been changed to simplify the process of entering units or changing display format. Clicking the left mouse button on a variable name now selects that variable name which is shown in inverse video. To unselect it, click it again. Multiple variable names can be selected. Pressing the Enter key, double-clicking the left mouse button on a variable name or clicking the right mouse button will bring up a dialog window in which format specifications can be entered. These format specifications will be applied to ALL selected variables.

New formatting options have been provided. Appending _dot to a variable name will cause that variable to be displayed in the Formatted Equations, Solution, and Parametric Table with a dot centered over the name. For example, T_dot will display as T with a dot centered above the T. Similarily, T_bar will display a bar centered over the T. T_infinity will display a subscripted infinity symbol. DELTAT will display the a Greek Delta followed by T.

Clipboard operations have been improved. When the Solution Window is foremost, the Copy command will place a picture of the selected variables in Solution window on the clipboard, as well as the text version of the solution. You can copy either the text or the picture to another application using that application's Paste Special command. Similarly, the selected equations and comments appearing in the Formatted Equations window can be copied as a picture to the Clipboard. The Select All will appear as Select Display when the Formatted Equations window or the Solution Window is foremost. This command will select all visible items in the window.

An Apply button has been added to the Modify Plot dialog window. Clicking the Apply button shows any changes that have been made without exiting the Modify Plot dialog. The characteristics of multiple plot lines can be made at once in this manner. The OK button accepts all changes that have been made. Cancel restores the plot window to the condition it was in before the Modify Plot dialog was started.

The MIN and MAX functions formally required two arguments. They have been modified to accept 1 or more arguments and return the minimum or maximum value, respectively.

Default options for the plots, such as the plot size and axis scale attributes can now be specified in the Plot Options section of the Preferences dialog.

Double-clicking the left mouse button (or clicking the right mouse button) on an equation in the Residuals window will cause the Equations window to be moved to the front with the selected equation highlighted.

A new formatting option has been added. This formatting option, called Automatic, selects the style and number of digits depending on the magnitude of the number. This option should make it unnecessary for the user to select Fixed Decimal or Exponential format, except when a particular format is needed. The Automatic formatting option is now the default for any new variables. Variables defined in problems written in older versions of EES will have the formatting options selected as previously specified. The formatting option can be changed by clicking on the variable in the Solutions window or by use of the Variable Info command in the Options menu. If you hold the Ctrl key down while changing a formatting option, all variables below the one being changed will also be changed. The Automatic formatting option can also be used for the numbers on the axes of plots.

New functions INTERPOLATE and DIFFERENTIATE have been added to provide interpolation or numerical differentiation of tabular data. The data normally reside in the Lookup Table, but these functions can also access data in Lookup files or the Parametric table. The format of the INTERPOLATE command is

g = INTERPOLATE('C:myFile',' Col1', 'Col2', Col2=2.34)

The first parameter shown in the above example is optional. If present, it must be the DOS name of an existing Lookup file previously saved with the Save Lookup Table command. Col1 and Col2 are the names of the columns from which data are to be interpolate. The single quotes around the column name are optional. The final parameter indicates whether a value in the first or second column is specified. As shown above, an interpolate value from Col1 will be found corresponding to a value of 2.34 for Col2.

The DIFFERENTIATE command returns d(Col1)/ d(Col2). It has the same format as the INTERPOLATE command. See the online help for additional information.

Clicking on the column header in the Parametric, Lookup, or Arrays table brings up a dialog window which allows the characteristics of that column to be changed. A new control has been added to this dialog window to select the back color for data in the column. The back color can be used to simply highlight the data, or for other purposes, such as to indicate which columns require data input.

A unit conversions function has been added to EES. The CONVERT function takes two string parameters and returns the factor to convert from the units represented by the first string to that represented by the second string. As an example, the following equation would convert a heat transfer coefficient from English to SI units.

h_SI = h_Eng * Convert('Btu/hr-ft^2-R', 'W/m^2-K')

Note that the single quotes and the ^ symbol are optional. Additional unit definitions can be added to the UNITS.TXT file in the EESW directory. See the online help for additional information.

The columns in Parametric table can now be reordered using the Insert/Delete Vars command in the Tables menu. The order of the columns in the Parametric table is controlled by the order of the variables in the Table Variables list. The order of the variables in the Table Variables list can now be changed using the drag and drop feature. To change the column position of a variable, click on its name and then hold the mouse button down while sliding it to a new position.

It is now possible to control the foreground and background colors of the text displayed in the Solutions window. To change the color, click on a variable in the Solution window. A dialog window will appear in which the colors can be changed.

EES can read an ASCII text file (with a .TXT extension) into a Lookup table. In this case, the first line of the file must contain the number of rows and columns in the table. If a negative number is provided for the number of rows, EES will determine the number of rows of data in the file and use that number for creating the table. If the number of columns is a negative number, EES will use the absolute value of this number for the number of columns and expect to find the format specification (e.g. F3 or E4) followed by one space and then the column heading and units for each column on following lines . The units are enclosed in square brackets. Following lines contain the data for each row, separated by one or more spaces. The example below would create a table with 2 rows and 3 columns when read in with the Open Lookup command in the Tables menu. The columns would be formatted with E4, F0, and F3 format specifications and the column names will be ColA, ColB, and ColC.

-1 -3
E4 ColA [Btu]
F0 ColB
F3 ColC
1.23E-12 2 4.56 2.34E-11 4 7.89

The MolarMass property function has been implemented. This function takes one argument, the name of the fluid, and returns the molar mass (commonly called the molecular weight). Here is an example: m11=MolarMass(R11)

EES now offers the option of bar plots. A bar plot is produced if the plot symbol is chosen to be the open or filled bars presented at the bottom of the plot symbol list.

Suppose you wish to change every occurrence of variable X1 to X_1 to take advantage of EES's ability to display subscripts. You could do a global change and replace, but then you would also have to reenter the guess values, limits, and units for the new variable X_1. And if X1 appears in the Parametric table, you would have to remove it and add X_1. However, there is now an easier way. You can simply edit the variable name in the Variable Info dialog window and EES will make all of these changes for you.

The Solution Window will now display subscripts and superscripts for units. For example, m^2 will appear with a superscript 2 if the 'Display Subscripts and Greek Symbols' option is selected in the General Display section of the Preferences dialog. An underscore character indicates subscript as in lb_m.

A Print Preview button has been added to the Print dialog window.

An Add Legend Item check box has been added to the New Plot and Overlay Plot dialog windows. If this control is checked, a text item will be automatically generated with the name of the Y-axis variable. The text item will be associated with the line type and symbol selected for the plot line. The feature makes the generation of a plot legend more convenient. The text item is placed at the upper left of the plot. It can then be dragged to any location.

Clicking the right mouse button in the Equations window will either insert or remove curly brace comments around the selected text. If the selected text is already commented, i.e., begins with a left brace and ends with a right brace, the comments will be removed - otherwise the braces will be inserted.

Previous versions of EES have allowed the user to add fluid property data with the Martin-Hou equation of state as explained in Appendix D. It is now possible to add additional JANAF table data as well, by placing a file with the appropriate coefficients in the USERLIB sub-directory. The file must have a .IDG filename extension. The file TESTIDG.IDG in the USERLIB sub-directory provides data for CO2 with comments to explain the file format.

The ERROR procedure now accepts an optional error message string. See the online help for the syntax and an example.

A snap-to-grid option has been provided for moving text on the plot and diagram windows. The snap to grid option is set in the Preferences window. Holding the Ctrl key down while moving text disables the snap to grid option.

Internal EES functions and procedures can now make use of the $COMMON directive to pass information from the main program. The $COMMON statement must follow the FUNCTION or PROCEDURE declaration. The $COMMON directive should be the first item to appear on the line. Variables appearing in the $COMMON statement are separated with commas, as in this example.

$COMMON B,C,D {variables B,C, and D are from the main program}

B=4; C=5; D=6