"S02bl" .....: sim_id ----- Simulation identification (up to 100 characters) 80 .....: nx-2 ------- Number of real volumes in the csi direction 40 .....: ny-2 ------- Number of real volumes in the eta direction 2 .....: kg --------- Kind of grid (1=eta uniform, 2=geometric progression for eta, 3=power law) 1.d-6 .....: a1 --------- Initial step for the geometric progression grid (m) 1 .....: coord ------ Coordinate system ( 1=cylindrical, else cartesian) 2.87E+02 .....: Rg --------- Perfect gas constant (J/(kg.K)) 1.4d0 .....: gamma ------ gamma = Cpo / Cvo in the chamber (Specific heat ratio) 1.d+6 .....: po --------- Stagnation pressure in the chamber (Pa) 500.d0 .....: T0 --------- Stagnation temperature in the chamber (K) 101325.0 .....: pr --------- atmospheric pressure at the sea level (Pa) 9.80665 .....: go --------- gravitational acceleration at the sea level (m/s2) 0.0d0 .....: beta1 ------ Initial constant of the UDS/CDS mixing scheme 1.0d0 .....: beta2 ------ Final constant of the UDS/CDS mixing scheme 6000 .....: itb1 ------- beta = beta1 for it <= itb1 30000 .....: itb2 ------- beta = beta2 for itb2 <= it 1 .....: modvis ----- modvis = 0 -> Euler; modvis = 1 -> Navier-Stokes 1 .....: modtur ----- turbulence model option (0=laminar, 1=Baldwin-Lomax) 0 .....: ccTw ------- ccTw = 0 -> adiabatic; ccTw = 1 -> prescribed temperature 500 .....: it1 -------- dt = dt1 for it <= it1 5000 .....: it2 -------- dt = dt2 for it2 <= it 1.d-6 .....: dt1 -------- Initial time step (s) 5.d-6 .....: dt2 -------- Final time step (s) 50000 .....: itmax ------ Maximum number of iteractions of the time evolution 5 .....: imax ------- Maximum number of iteractions for the pressure correction 2 .....: nitm_u ----- Maximum number of iteractions for the TDMA method for u, v and T 2 .....: nitm_p ----- Maximum number of iteractions for the TDMA method for p 0 .....: reload ----- Upload backup data and continue computation (0 = no, 1 = yes) 50000 .....: wbkp ------- Frequency of saving backup data 100 .....: wlf -------- Frequency of printing in the listing file 1 .....: sem_a ------ 1 = do not open result files, 0 = open 1 .....: sem_g ------ 0 = visualize the plot, 1 = do not visualize 1 .....: w_g -------- Frequency of writing data for graphics 1 .....: w_cam ------ 1 = write the fields, 0 = do not